A meeting with a pit bull forever changed the life of a girl, depriving her of her upper lip (8 photos)

7 May 2023
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Brooklynn Khoury is a professional skateboarder. In 2020 her life has changed dramatically: the girl was attacked by a pit bull.

Brooklynn went through real hell: she had to do many surgeries to recover. During the attack of the dog, she I lost my upper lip and part of my nose.

It was hard for her not only mentally, but also physically. girl in At the age of 23, I had to go through several facial reconstruction surgeries.

She publishes the entire rehabilitation process on social networks, inspiring other victims not to stop there, to find in yourself the strength to bring yourself back.

The surgeon promised that he would restore the girl's lip. He wants to everything was perfect. Recovery can take up to 4 months, but Brooklynn is happy to wait, she's already come a long way.

Brooklynn Has No Expectations, She Just Wants It To Happen ended and she finally had the feeling that her upper lip was on place. According to the girl, her views have changed a lot since dog attacks: "Before, I could worry about some little things, like a pimple on your face. So it was that day, I am very upset. And after 15 minutes, my lip was gone."

Now the girl is popular in social networks, she is invited as a model for shooting.

Her positivity inspires others: "Personally, it makes no sense to me be shy and I think social media posts are definitely helped me heal."

<img src=" https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2655/1800_files/2fca24939de954ec183fb88fdc5df986.jpg"

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