The schoolboy tried to cut the throat of a classmate right during the last call

25 May 2023
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Another school terrorist decided in front of the whole school and parents to arrange a massacre with objectionable people. The incident happened this morning during the celebration of the last call in the village of Ilovlya near Volgograd.

A student of the eleventh grade with a knife attacked a classmate right on the stage, where several graduates sang a song. He put a knife to the girl's throat, but did not have time to inflict serious injury. Other students immediately reacted to the cry of a classmate and pulled the attacker away.

According to the classmates of the attacker, he did not behave quite adequately from the very morning, although earlier he was the most ordinary guy and did not attract attention with oddities. In the near future psychologists will work with him.

According to media reports, 11-grader Grigory carried a folding knife to the school ruler in a sock. Now he is in the police, waiting for psychologists. He cannot explain his motives. The injured girl is already at home.

According to some sources, Grigory decided to kill his classmate Lera because of unrequited love. At the same time, he never confessed his feelings to her and was even afraid to approach his beloved.

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