In a Moscow school, a teenager was beaten right in front of teachers

11 March 2023
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They saw the “battle”, but were in no hurry to separate.

Two guys got into a fight at a school in Novokosino. We fought for a long time and now it turned into a scuffle. The victim has concussion and displacement of the frontal bone. The attacker had heartfelt conversations with the police.

They arrived at the call of the teachers of the injured guy, later his mother also arrived.

The conflict between two students of the 10th grade arose after chatting. During the break after the 2nd lesson, the students got into a verbal skirmish, which then turned into a fight. Schoolchildren were separated by teachers and other children. However, due to the visible injuries of one of the participants in the fight, the school staff called an ambulance.

The ambulance doctor, together with the mother of the victim, decided on the need for hospitalization. The injured student is currently in the hospital.

The SC is now looking into the matter. Perhaps there will be a criminal case.

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