A teacher in the Khabarovsk Territory called the children victims of abortion

12 February 2023
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In the Khabarovsk Territory, the teacher freaked out and turned to insults. The reason for the breakdown was the schoolchildren, who were very loud during the break - they ran along the corridor and made noise. Challenging schoolchildren, the teacher called them morons and victims of abortion.

A mathematics teacher from the village of Pereyaslavka, school No. 1, reprimanded 9th grade students during the lesson. The students ran down the corridor. In expressions, the woman was not shy:

- Morons! Abortion victims! I can't tell you more! You ran and yelled in four classes! Then they ran around here again, - said the mathematics teacher.

The students filmed it:

The parents said that the teacher simply hates the students, according to the Amur Mash Telegram channel.

“Morons”, “imbeciles”, “you stand like you’ve piled up your pants” - children hear such things every day <...> He puts triples on excellent students, stating, “you are morons,“ triples are your ceiling. Wherever we just didn’t turn to get this teacher removed from us, but they tell us: either she or no one, ”said the mother of one of the students.

The circumstances will become known after checking the prosecutor's office of the Khabarovsk Territory. An internal investigation has also been launched into the matter.

The head of the district also became interested in the incident.

- I became aware of the fact of incorrect behavior of a teacher in one of our schools. As a matter of urgency, an internal audit will be carried out on this fact and conclusions will be drawn about the professional suitability of this teacher, ”Alexander Kokh, head of the Lazo municipal district, wrote in his Telegram channel.

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