In Kazan, a primary school teacher smoked a vape and drank with her students

12 February 2023
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These "pranks" were filmed, shown to the parents of schoolchildren, and a scandal erupted.

One of the schools in the Vakhitovsky district was once a role model. And graduates regularly participated in competitions and entered universities. Then the director changed there and everything somehow changed.

For example, a teacher of elementary grades became very friendly with high school students. Vape “floated” together, they say that they even drank. The schoolgirl filmed their "rest" and the video caught the eye of her parents. Naturally, they had questions.

After that, the school conducted an inspection and the young teacher was fired.

Although some of the parents of the class where the girl was the leader tried to protect her. They believed that the teacher was the only one who bought gifts for children with her own money and always found a common language with them.
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