Nintendo Switch fan brutally beats a school employee who took away his console in class

1 March 2023
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A 17-year-old boy from Florida ran into a teaching assistant and kicked her unconscious. The schoolboy was angry that during the lesson his game console was taken away from him.

On February 21, an incident occurred at Matanzas High School in Palm Coast, about 100 kilometers south of Jacksonville, which caused the police to be called. The teenager attacked the teacher's assistant and beat her until he was driven away by students and teachers who came to the rescue.

Carefully! The video contains footage of cruelty!

By the way, the 17-year-old busoter, about 2 meters tall and weighing 122 kg, desperately resisted and, according to witnesses, said that he never repented of his deed. Moreover, he is ready to repeat all this if the teacher dares to take away his prefix again during the lesson.

The guy was arrested, and the school employee who lost consciousness from the blows had to be hospitalized.

After the arrest, the black thug said that he had more important things to do than a trip to the station, then he began to complain about the ill-treatment - he did not like being handcuffed.

The attacker was charged with aggravated battery.

1 comment
4 March 2023
Жаль,что это произошло не в рашке
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