How women of the future were imagined 120 years ago (18 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
17 May 2023

Some photos have a slight piquancy, but something else is more important. How French photographer Albert Bergeret was able to predict so accurately future? No, well, of course, he missed the look of women. Clothes, hairstyles, all this is definitely past, but how accurately he guessed future women's professions!

At that time, his "predictions" in the form of a series of photographic postcards were not only progressive, but even fantastic! none Frenchwoman in 1902, when the postcards went to print, could not even think about the profession of a doctor, a politician and many, many others! All this was an entirely male occupation. And then suddenly here you are - a woman firefighter!

By the way, since 2000 in Russia, ladies it is forbidden by law to take a direct part in extinguishing fires, but literally in 2019 we had that notorious an exception. For those who are interested, look for information about Anna Shpenov. She worked in the fire brigade for almost 10 years. If to speak about world statistics in general, the proportion of female firefighters now is 8% and this figure is growing.

Well, we return to the postcards and meet a female police officer. In the second photo in the gallery - a woman rural policeman. Why outwardly they look more like pirates - do not ask.

There are more than enough women in the police today. IN some countries, including Russia, their number is about thirty%. But Iceland has gone the farthest in this sense. There's a better half mankind has already achieved a ratio of 50 to 50. Fortunately, in this the tiny island country has virtually no crime.

Who's next in line? Yes, at least a woman deputy. Or a woman mayor. :

Unheard of at the time, that women could become politicians. There are not so many of them now, but they are all, of course, very noticeable. For information: in the composition of the Russian State Duma there are now a little more 16% women.

But in what area there have long been more women than men, this is medicine. And that's why we admire the doctor's woman.

At the time of the creation of these postcards, doctors in dress were already met in some places, but these are literally isolated cases. Also at the end of 19 century there were almost no women lawyers and women journalists. We leaf through the gallery and pay attention to the brooch with a hint on the hat of a journalist:

Why is that? 'Cause women just couldn't get higher education. In this connection, Albert Bergeret devoted one postcard woman student.

The first university for women appeared only in 1878. And in order to go to study abroad, it was necessary to obtain permission from a father or husband. For example, the father of Sofia Kovalevskaya did not allowed, so the future great mathematician even had to fictitiously marry.

And we have military women in line. It's interesting that author of 20 postcards in a set of military professions for women of the future took as many as six. At the same time, they are the most frivolous in appearance. Especially in the senior ranks. Here, apparently, he really played out fantasy.

Somewhere next to the warriors is a woman sailor.

As you know, today in some countries girls even they even go through military service, not to mention contract service. Concerning Russia, there is such dаta:

As of March 2021, more than 300,000 women, of which approximately 270,000 are civilian personnel and 40 000 - immediatelyonly military personnel.

And we move on to the final part of the story, and here I left no less interesting professions for you.

It turns out that women were not trusted with either weapons or horse management. If you extrapolate this to our time, the ladies can to own a weapon and even drive a bus, not to mention car.

But the strangest postcard for me was this one: a woman artist.

"Why couldn't women paint?" - indignantly thought now readers. Connoisseurs of painting, I'm sure, even call several famous female names from the art world. In fact, it could be. But then the world was arranged in such a way that girls even with other social roles were assigned to artistic talent: mothers, wives, housewives. They were not supposed to pursue their careers and that's it.

Apparently, therefore, the photographer who created this series, being also a creative and, perhaps, sensitive person, he also dreamed that in future women had time for creativity too. Fortunately, his Dreams come true.

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