In touch: a lover of neural networks "phoned" famous personalities from the past (9 photos)
Surprisingly, in fact, quite recently, just take it and calling a person was a whole event. Indeed, in the recent past not everyone had a telephone at home, what can we say about the Internet and sms? And today everyone can call anyone anywhere in the world. Today, the usual "phone call" is the most common thing. A imagine if in the past there was already high-speed Internet and mobile connection? Such a fantasy was decided to visualize by a lover of neural networks with the nickname Jyo John Mulloor. Clearly, he immediately wanted to call famous people from the past.
Marilyn Monroe
Albert Einstein
Leonardo da Vinci
Mahatma Gandhi
Abraham Lincoln
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
Subhas Chandra Bose
One of the leaders of the Indian independence movement, a very important figure in the history of modern India.