How different products change if you forget about them for a long time (12 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
19 April 2023

Everything changes with the passage of time. This is a completely understandable fact. But some temporary metamorphoses look very unusual. Especially if forget about food for a long time. Doesn't look very appetizing, but interesting and unexpected.

Unsalted butter that has not been touched for more than 2 years

The rind is the best part of aged butter.

Forgotten Strawberries

Garlic left in a vacuum for a long time

My old ricotta that I forgot in the fridge turned bright purple

Exemplary mold on cream cheese

My friend found this in his fridge. He thinks it used to be mashed potatoes

Old watermelon juice spawns small jelly-like balls

I forgot my coconut in the kitchen cabinet and it sprouted. Looks like a green onion!

Girlfriends forgot a jar on the street

This is what happens when you forget half a cabbage in the fridge

A woman kept a boiled egg for 20 years - and now it looks like a ruby

Oil that has been in the fryer for over 10 years

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