17 curious discoveries made to answer the question: "What will happen if ...?" (17 photos)

27 February 2023

The world is a vast and complex place with an endless array of mysteries, waiting to be revealed. For those who seek knowledge and understanding, the path discoveries are endless. Some approach it from a scientific point of view, doing experiments and analyzing data, while others just stumble upon new discoveries in the course of their daily lives.

Regardless of the method, the excitement of discovering something new in world the same. So let's look around and see. Who knows what hidden secrets you can uncover?

What happens when you heat a metal-coated mug in the microwave

Sun-bleached gloves that have been lying on the dashboard since last winter.

"This is what happens when I eat bananas"

Pumpkin accidentally got into a box in the attic and lay there for a year

What happens if you decide to use an eye swap app with a cat

What happens if you wash a sweater without reading the instructions

"I left my clog in the rain and it sprouted"

This is what happens when you drive down the highway at full speed with a flat tire

What can be found by looking into a red bell pepper

Have you ever wondered what might happen if a bear breaks into your car?

Now you know that if you put peeled tomatoes in the freezer, frost will form on them.

“My old ricotta that I forgot in the fridge has turned bright purple.”

How an unripe orange looks from the inside

What Happens When You Don't Trim Your Horse's Hooves

This is what happens when you plant carrots too close together

What happens if you leave a banana in a container for 5 years

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