A selection of interesting and unusual phenomena that users noticed (15 photos)

Category: Nature
19 December 2022

An inquisitive and attentive person, open to the world, practically every day can notice something interesting. It is to such big-eyed comrades and include the authors of these pictures. Let's look at interesting, unusual and strange phenomena that they noticed.

When you managed to photograph lightning and a rainbow at the same time

Carrots have grown up

This is what happens when you drive at full speed with flat tires

Rice stood upright after cooking

My old ricotta that I forgot in the fridge turned bright purple

Sunlight hit the cloud and it looks like the mountain is on fire

Chocolate muffin without eggs and with eggs

Container sweating soy sauce

After freezing rain

Gin and tonic in a uranium glass goblet under black light

It looks like two photos joined together, but no, it's one shot.

I found four golf balls in varying degrees of decay within a meter of each other on the beach.

One of my bananas never ripened

I could only see this rainbow in polarized sunglasses

How ice formed on tomatoes in the freezer

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