A man had a fight with his wife and spent 4 thousand dollars to cover the whole yard with roses

8 April 2023

Here even the offended young lady got through and she gave her hubby "another chance."

The couple lived together for 16 years. Then scandals began in the family, the lady filed for divorce - and the man "got through". He realized that he “didn’t want to lose her” and began to overwhelm his wife with gifts and flowers.

It got to the point that he spent 4 thousand dollars, bought 3001 roses and laid out flowers near the entrance. To the delight of the janitors and his wife, who immediately took off the video and boasted on social networks.

I endured for a long time, but the cup overflowed. Sergey pushed me away from him with his behavior. But when I filed for divorce, he realized that he did not want to lose me. While we are still officially husband and wife, but in April the third divorce proceedings will take place. In the last two, the husband categorically refused a divorce. And for several months now, flowers and gifts have been constantly at home. Many still do not know that there is discord in our family, they think that we are a great couple.

Previously, he believed that if a man pays attention to his woman, gives flowers, then he is henpecked. But now he says, I don’t care what others say, the main thing is that I be happy. Let's see what will happen next.

Most likely, when he is no longer approved for loans at the bank, she will still tell him goodbye.

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