Russian propaganda still does not calm down and rivets fakes in the likeness of a crucified boy

28 March 2023
Film studio "Baklan-Film", enchanting video "Road meeting, or Crucifixion of the boy's mother in panties without leaving the car":
- scenario 3/10;
- props 3/10;
- acting 2/10

The alleged location for filming the thesis of the students of the FSB Academy is located east of Donetsk at the turn from the district to the shooting range

47.9769473, 37.9534718

Realizing that they were exposed, they began to drive the following fake:

"Our worst fears have been confirmed - #ukroDRGs are already working deep in the rear of the Russian troops, a nightmare for the civilian population. Moreover, this is not about a single Amarok with a German cross - it was about an ENTIRE COLUMN of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!"

Rose machine. For non-specialists, but for the field of additional equipment for pickups, the video shows the usual green Amarok. But ... it has a Kung from a Russian manufacturer - which has never (from the word at all) been delivered to Ukraine. So you still need to be able to sleep.

And you don’t want to eat shit, and you can’t not eat it, because not eating shit is work for the enemy (c) Oleg Ts.

Ate shit and changed shoes in the air. And such a heartfelt post made about "a cross, like the Germans had during the Second World War." And did not delete, which is typical

Gentlemen directors from the FSB, sit down, two.
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