A selection of the most unusual festivals from around the world (15 photos)

22 March 2023

People all over the world love to have fun. And there is a huge the number of different festivals and other fun, where they gather not only local, but also thousands of tourists. But consider in this collection the most unusual ones. Camel racing, "naked" hangout in Japan, jumping over children and other strange entertainment, see our post!

La Tomatina in Spain. The Great Tomato Massacre

In the city of Bunol, large-scale battles with tomatoes take place. Legend says that some hooligans once staged a throwing at each other tomatoes right on the market. To these unknown troublemakers liked it so much that they decided to arrange such a battle every year. Since then, a large-scale tomato battle has been held every year in last Wednesday of August. The event lasts exactly one hour.

Washboard Music Festival. US Washboard Music Festival

Logan, Ohio hosts a music festival where musicians play… on washboards. You can, of course, play drums or guitar, but if you decide to perform at this festival, in your group must have a person who plays washboard or other item that is used in the home economy. The choice of such an unusual musical instrument is explained the fact that not far from Logan is the last plant in the United States for production of washboards.

Coopershill Cheese Race in the UK

For two centuries, on the last Monday of May, not far from Gloucester on Cooper's Hill something legendary happens every year. heap people are chasing a round head of Gloucester cheese rolled down a hill. The task of the participants is to catch the cheese until it crosses the finish line. This is a very traumatic event, so doctors are on duty at the hill.

Lasseters Camel Cup. Camel racing in Australia

In the city of Alice Springs in Australia, camel races have been held annually for over forty years.

Hadaka matsuri. Nude festival in Japan

Japan is a country rich in strange things, so this holiday can hardly be considered something out of the ordinary. On the third Saturday February, hundreds of men, dressed in a minimum of clothes, run around the temple, triple fights among themselves and bathe in the river. All this for attract good luck.

Lemon Festival in France

Every year, at the beginning of March, the Lemon Festival is held in Menton, dedicated to the harvest. The holiday includes musical performances, fairs, parade and all possible entertainment events, which can somehow be linked to the theme of lemons and other citrus fruits.

zombie festival in australia

One day, zombie fans united and decided to make their own festival in Australia. A procession of lovers to make up in creatures, devouring brains, annually collects very large sums of money for charitable purposes.

El Colacho. Festival of jumping over children in Spain

This is a modernized pagan holiday. In an Italian city Castilla de Murcia it is believed that if you jump over a child, then the baby will receive protection from the evil eye and all evil. This protection is valid only year, therefore, until the child grows up, you need to repeat the ritual every El Colacho Festival.

Great Fruitcake Toss. Cupcake Throwing Day in USA

In the Colorado town of Manitou Springs, at the end of January, traditional throwing cupcakes left over from the holidays. Spend competitions for the distance of throwing cupcakes, for the accuracy of throwing cupcakes and anything you can think of if you have a cupcake in your hand and you want to throw it somewhere. You need to come to the competition with with their cupcakes.

Imaginary Guitar Championship in Finland

Since 1996, Finland has hosted the world championship of the game.on an imaginary guitar. You can play in any genre, the main thing is that the instrument was imaginary.

Water Gun Festival in South Korea

The festival, specially created to combat the heat, takes place in July in the Sinchon area of Seoul. The main thing is to arm yourself with a water pistol, dress up in a raincoat and not be offended if you return home completely wet.

Las Bolas de Fuego. Fireball festival in El Salvador

Every year on August 31st, a spooky festival takes place in the city of Nehapa. Fireball festival held to commemorate massive eruption volcano that happened 100 years ago. On this day, the inhabitants of the city dress in skeleton costumes, protect their hands with special thick gloves and make special projectiles (balls of fabric impregnated kerosene). Festival participants literally throw themselves at each other improvised fiery snowballs. Of course, the festival is on duty doctors.

UK Toe Wrestling World Championship

These competitions take place every year in Ashbourne. In fact, this is arm wrestling, only with toes

International Hair Freezing Competition Canada

Americans think Canada is crazy. But Canadians are not offended and arrange their crazy festivals and contests. Your task, as a participant, immerse your head in ice water, and the rest you frost will help. The hair on your head will freeze in a freaky form and you have every chance of winning this unusual competition.

Monkey feast in Thailand

In November, the people of Thailand arrange for the monkeys (who are there a huge amount) a real feast. Monkeys eat tons of fruit joy for tourists. Actually, to attract tourists, it was invented this holiday in 1989.

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