American TV presenter "broke" guests with a question about LGBT

Category: Tomfoolery, PEGI 16
15 March 2023

And he just wanted to clarify.

Piers Morgan is British and lives and works in the USA. Once he invited a couple of ladies and began to torment them with questions about same-sex love and LGBT:
Piers Morgan

- If, in your opinion, anyone can consider himself a woman, anyone can, right?

- I don't see this as a problem.

- Well, that is, literally, raise your hand and say "I'm a woman"

- Well, it's not so easy to do, go out and say it

- No, it's easy.

- Well, it's easy to say, but to make such a decision. The person decides to come out and say: I don’t think that I have such a gender.

- So why can't I consider myself, okay, so why can't I consider myself a black lesbian? No, I'm serious. If I can consider myself anyone, and I don’t need to prove it in any way, then why can’t I say on International Women’s Day: “I am Piers Morgan and I am a black lesbian”

- I think you're taking it to the point of absurdity.

- No no. With all due respect, I believe that you have already thrown open the gates for the absurd, saying that there are no more barriers and you can do whatever you want, and that anyone can say: I am a woman. So I’m just asking you: “why can’t I do this?”

- I mean, it's kind of ridiculous, trans people need acceptance...

- And I say that your words in relation to trans people are ridiculous.

He received no clear answer.

15 March 2023
Из-за дебильной политкорректности, нормальные люди теперь должны жить по законам, придуманными психически больными людьми! Что хуже всего, ненормальные существа, как и преступники, будут хотеть все больше и больше трэша в свою пользу!
15 March 2023
1 246 comments
Помоему трансы не такая уж и проблема как орки. Всего то навсего накрашенные мужики или ненакрашенные бабы. В наши времена это даже не стоит внимания.
15 March 2023
1 793 comments
После орков, забыли резко про ковид, геев, и всякое говно которое было забит мозг... а сейчас похрен на них.
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