An American became a multibillionaire and lost everything in minutes (3 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
9 March 2023

American Chris Reynolds became the richest in a matter of minutes man on Earth - and lost his fortune as quickly as I bought.

56-year-old Chris Reynolds, having opened his page in Paypal, discovered $92 quadrillion in the account. The exact amount he at that moment was 92,233,720,368,547,800 US dollars, which briefly made him the richest man and the only quadrillionaire on earth. As local media pointed out, the Delaware County resident turned out to be a million times richer than the telecommunications magnate Carlos Slim, whose fortune at that time was 67 billion dollars.

Talking about his short-lived wealth, Reynolds admitted, that for him it was a real shock, because before that the largest amount he received through PayPal was "a little over $1,000" from selling old BMW tires on eBay.

Alas, happiness was short-lived. PayPal quickly realized its error and corrected the problem by apologizing to Reynolds for causing inconvenience.

"This is an obvious technical error and we appreciate Mr. Reynolds understanding that this is the case," the company said in a statement.

The online payment service eventually agreed to the offer Reynolds to donate a sum of money to a charity organization of his choice as payment for the inconvenience.

“We are inspired by the thought that this person took the opportunity to donate to a cause he believes. We will support his idea by making a donation to the cause he chose. We are grateful that he is our client!” - reported in PayPal.

Reynolds later told reporters that when he saw the numbers on his account, he felt "a million dollars". He admitted, that his first feeling, however, was fright - Reynolds thought that he owes money and didn't get it into your account. When asked what he did with the money, if he could keep it to himself, he replied that "I would pay off the national debt", adding that I would buy a franchise baseball club "Philadelphia Phillies", if he was given a good price.

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