russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 23

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
24 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The country of scumbags launches an action on the anniversary of the start of the war against Ukraine

▪️Russians are urged to buy fireworks to launch them on February 24 at 5:00 am. One of the wishes — take photos and videos of the process.

Sick in the head nation

- Kadyrov peculiarly congratulated on February 23, recalling to Stalin the genocide of Chechens and Ingush

▪️Writes that accusations of Nazism were just a cover for the massacre of peoples.

Last year on this day the Chechen leader glorified Russia. And what kind of sabotage is this?

- Hair shampoo and shaving foam — this is what Russians are ready to die for in Ukraine

- #losses of invaders as of February 23

🔻+ 750 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️ lieutenant colonel Alexei Tarasov

▪️Captain Andrey Eremin

▪️Lieutenant Alexei Strekachev

▪️ captain - lieutenant Artyom Matlaev

▪️Captain Vladislav Oleinik

▪️Lieutenant Ilya Roslov

- Putin wants to undermine the statehood of Moldova, but he has no military forces, — ISW.

According to analysts (, the head of the Kremlin withdrew his orders from the Russian Foreign Ministry on compliance with the principles of the UN Charter and Russia’s obligation to seek ways to solve the problem of Transnistria, based on the territorial integrity of Moldova.

- The energy war with Russia is not over, — FT.

The head of the International Energy Agency warned ( that Europe has not yet won its energy war with Russia, despite a significant drop in gas prices .

Fatih Birol said next winter could be more challenging if the continent gets colder weather.

- And in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, a Su-25 crashed.

The information about the plane crash has already been confirmed by the local governor, noting that the rescuers have already left for the place. The reasons for the fall of the air trough are still unknown.

- The pilot ejected and survived, unfortunately.

The attack aircraft fell on a barn with hay, a fire started, the building burned down. The pilot had already swelled early in the morning.

- Ukraine will not use fighter jets and long-range weapons if they are supplied by the West for strikes on Russian territory, — Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba.

At the same time, he added ( 12817592) that the country will actively use them "to liberate territories".

- Ukraine rolled back 15 years in achieving its poverty reduction goals, — The World Bank.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine led ( to the fact that another 8 million Ukrainians found themselves below the poverty line compared to the pre-war period.

- Support for the war in Ukraine among Russians does not fall, – Bloomberg research.

Only 1/5 of the respondents spoke ( down?srnd=premium-europe&leadSource=uverify%20wall) for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and the end of the "special military operation".

- Selfie against the background of a spy ball.

The Pentagon released ( a close-up photo of a Chinese spy balloon. The object was captured on camera by a US pilot the day before the downing.

- The Hungarian Foreign Ministry is preparing Orban's visit to Kyiv, — Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.

Orban received an invitation to visit Kyiv from Zelensky when he attended the summit of EU leaders in Brussels.

- The National Bank presented a new banknote for the anniversary of the Russian invasion.

On a banknote ( GU) with a denomination of 20 hryvnia depicts three soldiers holding the state flag on one side, and two tied hands on the other.

- The United States does not exclude the possibility of supplying Ukraine with fifth-generation fighters, — US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland.

She also stated ( that the new US sanctions will affect Russian banks and Chinese companies.

- This money was invested ( srnd=premium-europe&leadSource=uverify%20wall) into the Russian economy before the war. The money is kept in special C-type accounts, but neither the Russian authorities nor the Western companies that owned the Russian assets have access to it.

At the same time, representatives of large funds tacitly admit that as long as Pynya remains the president of the Russian Federation, there is no hope for the return of their assets and funds.

- The EU cannot agree on the 10th package of sanctions against Russia on the eve of the anniversary of the war, — Politico.

While the current proposal includes ( social) import quotas for synthetic rubber, Poland calls for a total ban.

- Rusnya is preparing provocations again.

The Ministry of Defense of Rashkostan stated that the alleged invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into Pridnestrovie would be carried out in response to the offensive of Russian troops from the territory of the PMR.

- The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on peace in Ukraine.

According to the results ( of the vote, 141 countries voted in favor, seven against and 32 abstained. The document calls on the Russian Federation to stop hostilities and withdraw its troops from Ukraine.

- China will provide Russia with kamikaze drones — Spiegel.

The publication notes ( ed315c23-ab33-45ec-a6dc-aeb837e7d30a) that Beijing and Moscow are already in talks to purchase 100 drones that could be delivered by April.

Earlier, the US and Germany warned China against selling weapons to Russia.

- Z-symbols are beginning to be ashamed in Russia

▪️A confectioner from Khimki refused a girl who wanted to please her invader.

This is the position

- Goals svo .... success for the year

- A new work of the Russian art group «Yav». The composition is called "Life Meter" and the work itself was done on the basis of the Ivan Bliokh methodology, by which it is possible to calculate the average life expectancy of a military man, based on his height and belonging to the military branch

- A couple of days before the war

- Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he is considering himself as a candidate for the post of NATO Secretary General.

- Ukrainian TG-channel «Goryushko» collects obituaries of Russian warriors from open sources. Today there was a post numbered 15,000. For comparison, — the same number, according to official figures, was the two hundredth of the USSR in Afghanistan

- And in 10 days the war will begin

- Roskomnadzor blocked

- The eighth top manager from the oil and gas industry has died under mysterious circumstances

Do we believe?

- God didn't give…

- On the eve of the anniversary, I want to remind you that Ukraine lost all aviation, air defense systems, as well as Kharkov and Odessa *sarcasm*

- Under Bakhchisaray, the rails "broke".

- "Serbs are different..." Billboard in Belgrade today

- In London, from a strong wind, two tanks with paint turned over in front of the embassy.

- classic from zombies)

- The vast majority of Ukrainians after a difficult winter invariably oppose any territorial concessions

- Finland, following Sweden, will hand over three Leopard 2R demining vehicles to Ukraine

- From the multi-volume book "Kyiv in 3 days". By the way, remember that famous landing near Odessa?

- Let's write it down, evil Ukrainians scare the PMR with a searchlight

- A year ago… (photo carousel)

- This is what the Mariupol Drama Theater looks like now

is my favorite joke of the evening so far

- France

- Memes

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