Neither climb nor jump - the legends and fakes of the lonely Dun Briste rock (8 photos)

18 February 2023

The lone rock Dun Briste in Ireland is famous for is part of a cape that collapsed in the foreseeable past, in 1393, about what local evidence has survived. Well, what is connected with history Saint Patrick, considered the patron saint of Ireland.

Recall, according to the generally accepted version of history, St. Patrick conducted his missionary work in Ireland in the 5th century, personally baptized about 120,000 Irish people and founded about 600 churches. One of them them, presumably, was built on this very cape, which is almost after a thousand years and collapsed.

This church has become a popular place of pilgrimage, and the area where it is located (and where Dun Briste rock is located) now called Downpatrick (Patrick's Fortress). According to one of the versions, Saint Patrick himself is buried here - in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

The Dun Briste rock itself - which, by the way, is translated from Gaelic language as "Broken Fort" - was once part of a cape called now Downpatrick Head.

Historians believe that an arch led to the very tip of the cape, connecting it with the "mainland" - and under which passed a small "Strait" (there are still such here). At the same time, people also lived there, grazed livestock (according to archaeological research) - in general, the usual Earth.

When the arch suddenly collapsed (and it also happened at night) people had to be evacuated from the new island with the help of stretched ship ropes - and the distance turned out to be not very small, 228 meters!

By the way, one of the photographs that "glorified" Dun Briste in Internet, has become an image of this rock with a couple of houses and a lifting crane, allegedly placed at the top. At the same time, the crane lifts some cargo. Here's a comparison - apparently, the original and "photoshop":

The picture is impressive, but judging by the lack of open sources of information about any construction site on the island and other pictures on this topic, this is "photoshop" - not without, of course, fantasy and its charm.

And this picture well illustrates the "scale" of the island - how small the platform is upstairs (two houses wide), and also how high and steep the banks are. To be precise, with the area plateau at the top of Dun Briste about 15 by 50 meters (the rock itself is a little wider), its height is 45 meters.

It is obvious that it is difficult to go up there "on your own" - apparently, in reality this can be done only with the help of helicopter, any other way is akin to a feat.

However, the coast of the cape is opposite - that is, Downpatrick Head - exactly the same. Because of this, they were chosen by fans of such extreme sports like cliff diving open water) and mountaineering. By the way, only a few people were able to climb to the top of this rock, using exclusively climbing equipment.

But jumpers into the water can be seen more often - here major annual international competitions in cliff diving. True, they are held on the "mainland", jumping from a cliff no, it's too dangerous. Athletes jump down from the cape, and the view of the lone rock is adorned with broadcasts and photo reports from these competitions.

Here, on the cape, tourists usually come to admire Dun Briste and take photographs, and here is a monument to the Saint Patrick. Its first version appeared in 1912, and the current version - in 1980.

In addition, a small stone house often gets into the frame. - this is also a landmark, during the Second World War there was an observation post.

There is also a legend that reflects everything at once - in it Saint Patrick is spoken of, steep local banks are mentioned and, of course, a lone rock. They say that Saint Patrick had to it is on this place to fight with the devil himself. Since then, they have often been beaten here waves so strong that pillars of water rise to the very shore.

Well, the battle itself was so severe that the shore split and collapsed. There was only a lonely stone in the distance - this is how you ponyali, and there is Dun Briste.

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