Interesting little things about life in South Korea (27 photos)

31 December 2022

Traveling is one of the most wonderful things you can do. engage man. Discover new countries, get to know people, getting to know the local culture and tasting national dishes is everything (and not only that) is, without a doubt, incredibly cool. But many travelers see only the outer "tourist" shell with attractions and souvenir shops. And we propose to bypass all the colorful shop windows and see how the common people live. So, Let's take a look at the interesting little things about life in South Korea.

In South Korea, there are supermarkets that have tables for shoppers and microwaves. These supermarkets sell, among others, regular food and prepared food that customers can buy here heat up and eat.

And in local shops, many products are offered for tasting - from sausages and dumplings to cakes and fruits.

Also in the country there is a cafe with "unlimited food", where visitors themselves prepare for themselves. Cafes are popular in the country, in which for a certain amount (approximately $14 per person) you can dial unlimited the number of salads and snacks, rice and meat. What is most interesting, meat fry the visitors themselves. Each table has its own drawer.

Happy birthday posters hang everywhere. Wherever look, everywhere you can see huge posters on which local celebrities happy birthday. These posters are at the stations subways, buses, bus stops and even airport carts.

Koreans are obsessed with their appearance. South Korea ranks 1st in world in terms of the number of plastic surgeries per capita. According to survey, 10% of respondents had plastic surgery. For others It is estimated that approximately one in three South Korean women aged 19 to I've had plastic surgery for 29 years.

Koreans do not hesitate to criticize the appearance of another person.

One Canadian woman living in Korea said: “I just a guy came up and said: “You need to fix your nose!” - and held out me a brochure of a leading cosmetic surgery company"

Koreans wear sandals or flip flops with socks and don't count it something out of the ordinary. The exact reasons for such a "fashionable" trend difficult to install. Most South Koreans generally like to wear slippers, slippers with three white stripes are especially popular. their inhabitants put on when they take off their street shoes, coming to an educational institution, on work, home. When changing shoes, Koreans remain in socks.

Other people walk in flip-flops and socks down the street. Generally, at Each inhabitant has a huge assortment of socks in his wardrobe. They are here are sold everywhere, as is street food.

Bus stops spray mist in hot weather, cooling people off

Some books are sold with perfume

Students complete assignments not in notebooks, but directly in textbooks

Taxi drivers watch TV even while driving

In the Seoul metro you can find such mini-farms for growing lettuce

Police vehicles in South Korea are equipped with electronic displays, which move up along with flashing lights. Besides, so flashing lights better visible. And the scoreboard displays important information for drivers.

The country treats the environment with trepidation. For example, this staircase was built around trees

In South Korea, ramen is sold, on the packaging of which there is a scale with the amount ofyour salt contained in the product

Wi-Fi is everywhere in the country. In cafes, at stops, in the subway, near the entrance to the house, on buses. And it's free everywhere.

And on the streets there are buttons for calling an ambulance

South Koreans love the Eiffel Tower, you can see it everywhere here

In some places there are signs that warn drivers that frogs can cross the road.

Throughout Korea, especially near some tourist sights, you can see sidewalks covered with a strange carpet. In fact, these are paths from the bark of a palm tree. They are very thick and durable and made to prevent slipping through mud in wet weather.

At some intersections, traffic signals are duplicated at the edge pedestrian crossing. This is done for the safety of those who walk on streets, buried in the phone. And there are a lot of these, Koreans during walk literally do not look up from their smartphones while playing or watching movies.

Many establishments have only one shared toilet, which there will be urinals for men and cubicles for women. That is the situation when the man urinates at the urinal, and the woman passes by towards the booth, is considered completely normal.

Almost all doors are equipped with electronic locks. Practically everywhere in Korea, residents use keyless door locks in their homes. Instead, the doors are locked with electronic locks.

Koreans drink cold drinks even in winter. Great amount Koreans drink iced coffee even when the temperature drops below 0 °C Many office workers after dinner order instead of dessert cold coffee. Some say Koreans are using this drink relieve stress. In general, Koreans drink more iced drinks than hot.

Kindergarteners often go on picnics and to museums. And so that the children do not lost in the crowd, everyone is given a uniform of the same color. Every kindergarten own form

Koreans often talk to themselves. many Koreans talk to themselves in different situations. For example, when looking series, can cheer up the main character. At work they are out loud to themselves remind you of an upcoming deadline or task. When they eat delicious lunch, express their satisfaction aloud.

On many machines such sponges are attached. These things are on cars are hitched by the manufacturer to protect the doors during transportation. And people leave them like that, because there catastrophically tight parking lots. Sponges prevent scratches when accidentally touching a neighboring car. These sponges are very dense.

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