russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In Russia, subpoenas are distributed even to foreigners

It is reported that in Chelyabinsk a summons was given to a Belarusian, although he does not have Russian citizenship. The Belarusian did not appear at the military enlistment office, and they came for him with an escort.

Six more workers of the brigade received a call to the draft board, mainly — citizens of Uzbekistan.

All who willy or involuntarily brought to Russia - the latter considers its slaves

- Krinzhatin from propagandists arrived

- Reliable protection

- Not a white Lada, of course, but also very personal

- #losses of invaders as of 03.12

+ 510 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Senior Lieutenant Viktor Maslov

Lieutenant Alexander Popov

Vladimir Makeev - retired officer

Major Artyom Kokarev

- It's high time. The EU, G7 and Australia are introducing a cap on Russian oil prices at $60 per barrel. The restrictions come into effect on December 5.

- In the Black Sea, the invaders keep 24 Caliber missiles at the ready. According to Natalya Gumenyuk, speaker of the OK Yug, Ukrainians must be prepared for possible missile strikes and correctly respond to air alerts.

- When we liberate Melitopol, it will not be so far to the Crimea.

"The critical situation in which the aggressor will find himself in the event that we liberate Melitopol is difficult to exaggerate. It is not worth describing the clear further development of events with the entry of our troops to the Crimean isthmuses, the liberation of Crimea, the further defeat of the aggressor's troops in the east", — noted the military expert, Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhiy Savchenko.

- In Russia, people live worse than some dog in England.

- Putin can use negotiations for his own purposes. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverley believes that Russian dictator Putin can manipulate the subject of peace talks with Ukraine and use them to rearm his own army.

Cleverly urged NATO colleagues to be wary of such statements by the Russian Federation, since after such pauses in the past, their aggression has only increased.

- December 7, US senators will hold a secret briefing on assistance to Ukraine, — CNN, citing its Senate sources. The Biden administration is pushing for $37 billion in aid to Ukraine.

They can be included in the general bill on additional funding, which must be approved before December 16th.

- Guys, how are you there? In a couple of million years, there may be no men on Earth, but women will remain and find a way to reproduce by self-cloning. This conclusion was made by Australian National University biologists Paul Walter and Jenny Graves.

- From this year Europe will live without Russian oil — Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Ulyanov on the ceiling of oil prices.

What do you think, who will be worse off from this?

- God would not approve: in Bukovina, in the diocese of the UOC-MP, a laptop with child pornography was found. According to preliminary data, pornographic materials involving minors were not downloaded from the Internet, but filmed on a video camera.

- The head of the mini-murder of the Russian Federation, Shoigu, arrived in Belarus for negotiations with the Minister of Defense of Belarus Khrenin.

Already even the Ministry of Defense of Belarus has signed with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation a protocol to an agreement on joint provision of regional security in the military sphere.

- Stirlitz has never been so close to failure: on the table in the office of "Rain"; St. George ribbon lit up.

By the way, the channel was still fined 10,000 euros.

- Finally, the decision on the price ceiling and the embargo on Russian oil has been made by the EU. The main thing from it:

G7 countries and Australia agreed to impose a price ceiling of $60 per barrel on crude oil from Russia supplied by sea from December 5;

from February 5, 2023, a price ceiling will be introduced for Russian oil products, also transported by sea, the mechanism will be agreed later;

if the G7 ships have time to load with oil before December 5, no price ceiling will apply for them for the next 45 days;

the price limit will allow operators of the G7 countries to supply Russian oil to third countries;

The previous EU embargo on Russian oil remains in force.

- Not only Pasha-Mercedes: here is the complete list of people who fell under the "church" sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council. Sanctions are introduced for 5 years and will relate to the blocking of assets, restrictions on trade operations, blocking the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine.

- Now Rusnya will be protected from Himars by... shamans

- And here is a good example of how not to do it. The deputy dean from the Kyiv NAU publicly ridiculed the captivity of the paramedic from Azovstal, Ekaterina Polishchuk (“Birds”), forgetting, probably, that other people also know how to read comments.

She was quickly identified and demanded to be expelled from the university.

- The former host of the Rain tried to explain himself. Looks like the guy just has dyslexia. His explanation is as incomprehensible as the phrase on the air

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