The most luxurious prison in the world is located in Austria (13 photos + 1 video)

22 November 2022

When most people think of prison, they imagine cramped cell with unacceptable living conditions. But it's definitely not belongs to the Justice Center Leoben in Austria! No wonder they call him the most luxurious prison in the world. Although, of course, to settle there anyway do not want.

The prison, located in Leoben, Austria, was designed world famous architect Jospeh Hoensinn. The building was completed in 2004. One of the advantages of this prison is that overcrowding is not allowed here. Maximum capacity - 205 prisoners.

From the outside, it looks more like a convention center than a prison. On the outside of the building around the perimeter of the prison are two quotes. They are are: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and “All persons deprived of their liberty should be treated humanely and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.” The first quote is from the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights.

Most prisons look intimidating from the outside, but this one really beautiful. Employees boast that they have floor-to-ceiling windows. ceilings, allowing prisoners to see the street. Some floors have balconies.

The prison has three exercise yards and open public areas fenced with bars.

If you're already in jail, this is definitely the best option.

This place is way better than any public school. And it has more amenities!

Prisoners can play ping-pong in the yard.

Prisoners are allowed to move around in their cells, as well as in common areas. premises. Each prisoner has his own bathroom and kitchen.

In America, this prison was criticized for the fact that, according to the Americans, prisoners in such a prison will not feel punishment at all. But in Europe this the design of the prison became a model. A similar prison is planned build and on the outskirts of Berlin.

Prisoners in Leoben prison are given a lot of free time. AT during this time they can play sports, cook food, and also wear own clothes. This helps to reduce the cost of maintaining the prison and prisoners.

Many people think that this is a white-collar prison, but in it there are prisoners who are simply waiting for trial, up to especially violent criminals.

The prison was not only designed to look good. outside and provide criminals with comfort. They call her rehabilitation center whose purpose is to give prisoners opportunity to feel comfortable while they are cared for an environment where they have time to think about their crimes. Prison officials hope this will inspire them to live honestly when they return to society.

Now take a look at Leoben Prison live!

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