In Tuva, a two-year-old child was banned from an unheated house for two days

Category: Video, Eyewitness
17 November 2022

A two-year-old kid spent two whole days in an unheated house. The boy's mother was in the hospital, and his father decided to go out for a drink and left his son behind. It is terrible to think what would have happened to the child if the neighbors had not called the police. Even the cops who had seen a lot were shocked to see a naked baby on a cold bed.

A heartbreaking incident happened in Tuva. The mother of a two-year-old boy went to the hospital, leaving her son to his father. However, the man decided to leave the house to drink with friends, leaving the child in an unheated house. The baby ate what he could find and reach: juice, bread and other simple foods. It's scary to think how this story would have ended if not for the neighbors. They noticed a fight between my father and another drunken man and called the police. It happened on the second day.

"The duty unit of the police station ... received a message that people intoxicated were fighting in one of the houses in the village of Toora-Khem. In the course of working on this report, the police officers established the fact that a two-year-old child was left alone in an unheated residential area," the police said. in the message.

According to the department, the child was taken to the hospital, nothing threatens his health. The baby is healthy and is now surrounded by doctors. A criminal case has been opened against the father for leaving him in danger, the maximum punishment is imprisonment for a year, RIA Novosti clarifies.

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