“Tastes nothing”: in Japan came up with sweets with a very unusual taste (3 photos)

Category: Food
14 November 2022

Japan for most people on the planet is a mysterious country, in where people live, as if they had arrived from another planet. They are drinking cheese flavored drinks, eating squid sweets, eating chips from peach and this list of oddities is endless. What really to say, they even have square watermelons. And recently the Japanese network Lawson stores have released new lollipops with a very unusual taste. Taste can be called philosophical, because sweets have no taste and smell. Dissolving them, a person will feel emptiness, writes Oddity Central.

The lollipops are called "Aji no Shinai? Ame". Translated from Japanese it means - "Tasteless? Candy." Only two were listed on the package. ingredient: food additive polydextrose, from which it is convenient to cook syrups, and the natural sweetener erythritol. Japanese journalists tasted lollipops and declared that any taste is really hard to feel. Only the most sensitive tasters have caught a microscopic sweet note reminiscent of the sweetness of white rice.

It is rather difficult to say why mankind needs these sweets. Possibly since with their help, you can cause depression, or vice versa - get enlightenment and will be filled with nirvana, knowing the infinite eternal in the endless void of space.

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15 November 2022
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