Products of foreign brands that are not in Russia (31 photos)

14 June 2010

As you travel the world, you'll find many familiar brands on grocery store shelves with a different flavor, color, or logo, such as cucumber-flavored Pepsi Ice Cucumber, seaweed-flavored Pringles, blue M&M's, or Colgate tooth powder.


In Hong Kong, McDonald's sells a Big Mac with a rice bun, a meat filling similar to an azu with stewed vegetables:

Indian vegetarian hamburger Maharajamak:

Beef a la Rus with black bread in Russia:

In New Zealand, children's Kiwiburger with beetroot and egg:

In Thailand, at McDonald's they pack the cheese sauce in these huge things. And it has a ginger flavor:


France and Greece are the only countries in the world in which the mascot of Nesquik cocoa was originally not the rabbit Kwiki, but a yellow character named Grosquik.

In the UK, PepsiCo produces a natural drink with plant extracts, Pepsi Raw. in the USA the same drink is known as Pepsi Natural. Not yet sold in other countries.

Pepsi Ice Cucumber, a cucumber-flavored drink, and Pepsi White, a yogurt-flavored drink, were sold in limited editions in Japan.

Red Bull drink sold in Thailand.

Currently, about 70 different types of Fanta drink are produced all over the world: in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia, Fanta-Shokata with elderberry is sold, in Armenia, the amazing Fanta Exotic is sold (and they drink it more than the usual orange, lemon and mango, which are also sold) , Fanta with blackcurrant flavor is sold in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Only in India does Coca-Cola produce a non-carbonated mango drink called Maaza.

In Germany, a very popular drink is spezi, which is a mixture of cola and Fanta in a 1:1 ratio. It is even produced by the Coca-Cola company in addition to the standard cola-fanta-sprite trio, and is called Mezzo mix.

In France, Canada, USA, Czech Republic, Lithuania you can find Coca-Cola Bl

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