russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 11

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
12 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Paintings stolen from Kherson were taken to Crimea

Pictures stolen by occupiers from the Kherson Art Museum are lit up in the Central Museum of Taurida in Simferopol.


- In Kherson, the invaders dress up in civilian clothes and hide in residential buildings

Those who did not have time to evacuate, throw away the form in the trash.

I don't think it will help them

- Meanwhile, Kherson is returning to normal life

People with Ukrainian flags gather in the center of the city.

According to the journalist Konstantin Ryzhenko, the APU entered the city — Ukrainian army fighters have already been spotted in the Shumen microdistrict in the west of the city.

- Another 45 Ukrainian defenders returned from captivity

- It seems that the evacuation did not go as smoothly as the Russians claim

- In Perm, a girl was detained with a placard "Surrendered Kherson, surrendered Moscow"

Olga Syutkina represents the ultra-nationalist organization The Other Russia, that is, it was by no means anti-war motives that forced her to go on a solo picket.

Country of clowns

- It seems the Russians need to clear something up

- McDonald's will disappear from Belarus, and “Tasty — and dot

- In the Russian Federation, they begin to guess a little about something

- Domestic facilities on the Russian missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov (similar to the cruiser "Moskva")

This is how the premises look in the next #analogueno. Russian World — he is everywhere the Russian world.

Wherever you go, you take yourself everywhere with you. So do the Russians

- In Yakutia, deer carcasses were given to the families of those mobilized as support

It is said that they (the families) were "very happy"

- Comments of cheers-patriots cannot be read without tenderness

- #occupants' losses as of 11.11

+ 710 dead RF Armed Forces:

Alexander Dobrenky from the Belgorod region. In 2019, under the influence of hawthorn, he killed three people, signed up for the Wagner PMC.
Film Lieutenant Evgeny Vinder.

Senior Lieutenant Denis Gromyko.

Lieutenant Okhremchuk Vladislav.

Captain Atnagulov Denis

- In Russia, behind the scenes, they began to check and repair bomb shelters, reports ( -fears-spread?srnd=premium-europe&leadSource=uverify%20wall) Bloomberg. Officials are inspecting basements and other protected facilities, repairing and cleaning structures that have not been used since Soviet times.

What happened?

- In Nikolaev, they hit a residential building, two people died, two more were injured. Tonight, the Russians fired at the city from the S-300 air defense system. As a result, there is an arrival in the five-story building. All five floors have been destroyed,i search and rescue.

- The United States will buy artillery ammunition from South Korea for Ukraine, which should be enough for several weeks of intense fighting, reports ( -for-ukraine-11668116294) The Wall Street Journal. South Korea will sell artillery shells destined for Ukrainian forces for the first time as part of a confidential arms deal between Seoul and Washington.

- A collaborator was blown up in Melitopol. According to preliminary information, the explosion sounded at about 7:00 in the entrance of the house where Andrei Boyko lived – "Head of the Department of Culture and Sports"

- They write that this is a photo of the Antonovsky bridge, which is still tired

- Nothing officially happens in Kherson today. In general – historical day.

- Kherson – it is Ukraine! City center, local residents hang out flags and wait for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

- Map from the Ministry of Murder of the Russian Federation. The right bank of the Kherson region is clean

- The exchange fund is not lying on the road, although wait…

- Russia is here forever, Putin promised.

- "The Ukrainians let us in": the reaction of the Rusaks to the liberation of Kherson.

- Moskal fascist Dugin offers to kill Putin for the surrender of Kherson. He implicitly hinted that Putin was destined for the "king of the rains," a reference to J. J. Fraser's The Golden Branch, which refers to the practice of killing the tsar during a drought if he is unable to bring rain.

Your propaganda is broken, boys.

- Officially: Kherson returned under the control of Ukraine, – GUR. APU enter the city. Ways of retreat of the Russian occupiers – under the fire control of the Ukrainian army. Those Russians who did not have time to dump are called to surrender.

- Kherson residents celebrate with all their might

- Putin may decide to launch an electromagnetic impulse strike on Ukraine, writes ( The Financial Times. An electromagnetic pulse can be generated by detonating a nuclear charge in space. Then civilian and military equipment will probably fail. However, if Russia decides to take this step, it will provoke a collective response from NATO.

- Ukrainians raised money for the first marine drone. It will be called "Kherson", reports the head of the Ministry of Digital Development Fedorov. The creation of a fleet of sea drones was announced by Vladimir Zelensky.

- The battle of two post offices for Kherson has begun: who will be the first in time?

- 10-12 hours without electricity for Kyiv – reality. Dmitry Sakharuk, director of DTEK, states this:

“The current power deficit in the energy system of Ukraine with the onset of winter will grow from the current 1-1.5 million kW to 2-3 million kW and more. Therefore, under such conditions, the most realistic forecasts of power outages for 10-12 hours a day after the onset of frost may be. The biggest challenge for the city will be the threat of freezing water and sewer systems.

- On the border with Belarus, Ukraine is building a wall, said Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Kirill Timoshenko. It will pass along the border of Volyn, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions. About 3 km of the wall has already been equipped.

The main thing is not to wall Yatsenyuk 2.0.

- Podolyak offers to figure out where exactly the Russians are going?

- Torture room in Snigirevka. In the destroyed police station, the Katsap geeks mocked the locals.

- Orcs killed civilians: in the liberated Beryslav region in the Kherson region, investigators found the bodies of three civilians. All had broken heads, the bodies were in the cellar.

- The National Police has already started "stabilization measures" in Kherson, said the head of the department Igor Klymenko. As of today, 500 policemen have started working in the region. The number will be increased in two or three days to two thousand police officers. The cleanup will take several weeks.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine in some places have already reached the right bank of the Dnieper, the destruction of the enemy continues, the General Staff reports.

- Officially: Mykolaiv region is almost completely liberated, said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim. Only part of the territory on the Kinburn Spit remains occupied – there are small villages that belong to the Nikolaev region.

- Houses of the inhabitants of Kherson after the visits of the Russians. Here are the pigs and marauders

- Antonovsky bridge from the satellite. The picture shows severe damage to the structure.

- 4 Il-76 Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation arrived at the Machulishchi airfield in Belarus. The planes landed today, November 11, between 15:30-16:00. What was delivered – not yet known.

- Russia could end the war today. To do this, she needs to withdraw her troops from the rest of Ukraine, said US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink. And she added that she was inspired by today's news from Kherson.

- Absolutely – this is the photo of the day, as the quintessence of all the feelings of the people of Kherson and all of Ukraine.

- "Gift for Putin": $250,000 was raised in Lithuania for a sea drone for Ukraine. This was announced by Lithuanian journalist Andrius Tapinas.

- Ukraine does not show a desire for a truce and intends to continue the counteroffensive, writes The New York Times.

According to the newspaper, "there are more and more hints from the troops on the ground and volunteers close to them that the Ukrainians are preparing for a new land offensive to the south through the Zaporozhye region towards Melitopol."

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