Amazing things to look at (29 photos)

9 November 2022

The world is like an exhibition: there are a huge number of paintings around, a large some of which seem familiar and do not detain the eye. But several suddenly attract, and you want to look at them endlessly!

It looks like a Hercules beetle, one of the largest flying insects in the world

Miami International Airport corridor on a sunny day

Two identical silver glasses, one coated and the other brushed

"I found two pebbles on the shore, one of which fits perfectly into the other"

"These are the sweets my children were given for Halloween"

"At the moment my odometer looks impressive"

The brightest row in this parking lot!

Hawaii is the only US state where soda cans have ribbed tops.

"Leaving the city, I forgot a glass of milk in the room. When I returned, a whole ecosystem had already grown there"

"I bought a book for 20 Canadian dollars and found 50 in it"

"A moth sat on the Buddha statue. Now it seems that the Buddha is wearing a coat"

Goose holder seems to be getting aggressive

Mold has grown on a pumpkin - but it seems that a beard

Farm where people do yoga with goats

Bought a jacket at a thrift store and found a ticket to an Elvis Presley concert on November 7, 1971 in it.

"In the morning I opened the trash can - and there! .."

The owners took their pet llama for a walk

This pencil is made from recycled denim.

Both of these hairs are from my beard. The one on the left is the result of a phenomenon known as pili multigemini - a defect hair development, in which several follicles grow from one follicle hairs

square coin

These sleeping pods can be rented by the hour at Beijing Airport

Fake balconies are painted on the side of this building in Turin, Italy

The potato doubts you

A robotic waiter who receives orders from customers in a restaurant by stroking

"We bought a pizza with a layer of cardboard between the base and the filling"

Limon alien

A flock of sheep is driven through Madrid

"They rented an apartment where mushrooms grow in the bathroom. Collect for soup?"

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