Why traditional British buns have to be burnt (5 photos)

Category: Food
4 November 2022

In supermarkets and private bakeries in the UK, you can see buns with a black charred crust.

And this is not at all a product made from rye flour, not bread with additives, like, for example, black charcoal Italian buns. In England specially sell overcooked burnt pastries, which in Russia would be considered defective.

But the Scots and the British often specifically hunt for such overcooked buns and run to bakeries in the morning. Why Are traditional British buns supposed to be burnt? in scottish kitchen, for example, there are several dishes that are distinguished by a strong roasting. For the first time, burnt buns appeared on the shelves of Scotland in 1980s

It is believed that the first batch was a real production marriage - the bread was not taken out of the oven on time. But suddenly he had hot fans.

Many lovers say that baking tastes completely crazy. - under the burnt crust, the bread pulp becomes especially tender and bite off easily.

Gradually, bakeries introduced morning buns of especially strong roasting into the assortment.

This tradition has been around for many years, but controversy does not subside around it. Proponents of healthy eating consider burnt buns potentially dangerous due to the high content of acrylamide, which is considered carcinogenic and capable of provoking the development of oncology. One time supporters of a healthy diet even demanded to be placed on the packaging potential danger warning.

But studies have shown that in moderate doses in foods acrylamide does not harm health. And fans of burnt buns diligently defend their right to buy their favorite product without restrictions.

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