A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 121

16 December 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Baykar conducted the first flight of its unmanned military aircraft Bayraktar Kizilelma

The aircraft is capable of flying at a speed of about 630 km/h at an altitude of up to 1 km, and the flight duration is about 5 hours.

There are no analogues, they are going to the front

Judging by the modification of the gazelle, it is front-wheel drive, oh, and a successful package was assembled in order to drown in the fields.

Drone battle

Battle for Bakhmut in first person

Battles near Bakhmut

Fight with PMC "Wagner" near Bakhmut. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding back the advance and are working on the orcs with a grenade launcher

This section of the front is incredibly hot.

Towing a captured vehicle

In Bakhmut the fighting does not stop for a second

The city remains the hottest spot at the front.

Our warriors are titans!

A-50 Russian Aerospace Forces, long-range radar detection aircraft, arrived in Belarus

These planes look out for targets and provide strike points for fighter pilots. Therefore, today there is no need to ignore air raid signals!

The war through the eyes of the soldiers of the 72nd brigade of the 48th separate rifle battalion

Historical footage. Our soldiers emerge from encirclement under the Antonovsky Bridge 02/24/2022

And now you can’t cross the bridge so easily

Our Armed Forces work on orc positions in winter

We don’t let you get bored, we don’t let you shoot

The Orcs destroyed the S-300 with a lancet, but as always there is a nuance

This is their own S-300, which was previously destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Well, consider it a victory for the viewer, he still won’t delve into the subtleties as usual.

A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 121

The orcs wanted to attack the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but received a harsh response from our fighters

It turned out beautiful.

The work of our sniper in Bakhmut

Working with Javelina and LNG on Orc armor

Demining found mines on the road


The period of year when dirt roads in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine become impassable or very difficult to pass, caused by heavy rains or spring thaws. There are two types: autumn and spring. “Autumn thaw is caused by heavy rainfall and ends with the first frost, when the wet ground freezes to a depth of one meter. During thaws, spring thaw occurs, which is more dangerous due to the fact that water is retained in the soil in the form of ice. In autumn it usually begins in mid-October and continues until the end of the first half of November.

The Russian self-propelled gun did a somersault, and the crew probably flew into orbit

Russian Lend-Lease is in action. Ukrainian T-64BM "Bulat" towing a Russian self-propelled gun "Msta-S2", Lugansk region

Broken equipment of the occupiers

A sniper from the 24th Self-Defense Battalion uses taped glass to locate a machine gun post and then neutralizes the target.

Stugna-P hits T-72 near Bakhmut

Ukrainian fleet

Destruction of an armored personnel carrier by mortar fire

Destruction of enemy equipment and soldiers

A horror film in the reality of the 21st century. Marinka in Donetsk region

A peaceful Ukrainian town that Russia literally wiped off the face of the earth.

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