Overtaking accident. The driver of the Kia tried to avoid a collision and crashed into the bus

28 October 2022

On the highway in the Primorsky district, a woman driving a Hyundai taxi overtook without looking in the mirror and cut off the Kia driver, who was already driving in the oncoming lane.

The State traffic inspectorate of the Arkhangelsk region reports: “In the Primorsky district on October 24 at 13:14, a collision of vehicles occurred on the 18th km of the federal highway “Entrance to the city of Severodvinsk” from the federal highway M-8 “Kholmogory”. According to preliminary information, a woman born in 1976 ., while driving a Hyundai car, when performing an overtaking maneuver, in a place where it is allowed (when changing lanes into oncoming traffic), interfered with the movement of a Kia car, driven by a driver born in 1975, who was moving along the way, in the oncoming traffic lane. The Kia car began to overtake and, avoiding a collision with a Hyundai car, lost control of the traffic and collided with an IVECO bus that was moving along the way, in front of the Hyundai car. As a result of an accident, the driver of the car " Kia "with bodily injuries was hospitalized."

1 comment
Спанч Боб
28 October 2022
2 705 comments
водитель киа тоже не отличается умом и сообразительностью. на хрена так дергаться то?
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