The neural network showed how literary characters should look like, according to the description of the author (12 photos)

Category: Creatively
27 October 2022

Screen adaptations of famous literary works will always be attract the attention of the public. Sometimes directors manage to create real masterpieces. And sometimes it turns out to be an outright fiasco. Also often there are disputes between bookworms and movie lovers, where the main theme is the casting of actors. Like, the actor doesn't match at all literary description of the author. Sometimes these debates are deadlocked. For example, the film by Milos Forman "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" collected a whole truckload of "Oscars" and other prestigious awards, going down in history, becoming an immortal classic. But at the same time, Jack Nicholson, who received coveted statuette for the role of Randle McMurphy, looks completely different from hero of the novel by Ken Kesey. After all, book McMurphy was red and very large a guy with a big scar on his face. The neural network tried to intervene in this dispute and show how literary characters should look, according to description of their authors.

Count Dracula - "Dracula"

In the book, the Count is described as a tall old man with a clean-shaven chin and long gray mustache. He has a thin, oddly shaped nose nostrils, high forehead, determined mouth and pale skin.

Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde describes Dorian as a youth with clear blue eyes, golden curls and a graceful mouth pattern. The author has repeatedly notes that the 20-year-old young man was surprisingly handsome.

Heathcliff - "Wuthering Heights"

Heathcliff is a man who looks like a gypsy. He has dark curls, dark skin and almost black eyes.

Beth Harmon - "The Queen's Move"

Beth is a girl with straight brown hair, narrow shoulders, round face, dull brown eyes and freckles. Unlike serial heroine book Beth did not paint.

Petunia Dursley - Harry Potter saga

In the books, the mischievous Aunt Petunia is a thin, tall blonde with a long neck. The exact age of a woman is difficult to calculate. She was for several years older than his sister. Lily and James died at the age of 21, so Thus, in the 1st book, Aunt Petunia is 35–37 years old.

Yennefer - "The Witcher"

In the novel, Yennefer appears as a woman of extraordinary beauty. She has luxurious raven hair, twisted into tight curls, slender figure, fiery violet eyes. Geralt at first meeting sees her attractive, but not beautiful: he notes a long nose, thin lips and not quite the right shape of the eyebrow.

Tris - "Divergent"

16-year-old Tris in the book has a narrow face and blue-gray eyes. She also has long blonde hair.

Randle Patrick McMurphy - Over the Cuckoo's Nest

The protagonist of the book describes Randle as a man who in speech and behavior reminds him of his father. He looks like this: red, with tousled curls, knocked out from under the hat, with a scar across nose and cheekbones.

Jamie Sullivan - "A Walk to Love"

Jamie in the book is a high school student. She is described as skinny girl with blond hair tied in a knot and blue eyes. Jamie did not wear makeup and dressed discreetly.

Cecilia Tallis - "Atonement"

In the novel, the main character Cecilia is a blonde with blue eyes.

Hannibal Lecter - The Silence of the Lambs

Hannibal's eyes were brown, with a reddish tint, almost cherry. In the book, the doctor was about 47 years old.

Meg - "Little Women"

The eldest of the March sisters, 16-year-old Meg, has a round, delicate oval faces. She has long brown hair and big blue eyes.

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