15 curious photos of entertaining rarities (16 photos)

17 October 2022

The world will never cease to amaze us, because you can not embrace immensity. Therefore, there is still a lot of amazing and unknown around. AT In this post, you will see fascinating photographs of curious finds.

In Japan, along the coast you can see ancient stones, on on which the warning is written: "Do not build any dwellings below this points. Remember the disaster of the great tsunami "These are the stones of the tsunami

A crocodile was hit by a car in Florida. Veterinary the surgeon performed an operation to restore the bones of the skull, which allowed him to stay alive

San Francisco street, known as "Mushroom Street", in the traditional center of Alicante, Spain

Rheum nobile is a giant herbaceous plant native to the Himalayas. This is an unusual type of rhubarb 1-2 meters high.

This ancient Roman mosaic looks oddly modern. She is actually 1700 years old

2000 year old skull of a Peruvian warrior, kept at the Museum of Osteology

The largest digital camera in the world

Pink Palace, Dhaka, Bangladesh

German restaurant transforms huge wine barrels into 'food capsules'

Researchers find 35 million year old insect stuck in amber

The melting point of metallic gallium is so low, here's what happens when you hold it in your hand

Wedding of twin grooms with twin brides, conducted by twin priests with two pages and flower girl twins

Collection of 24,124 Hot Wheels vehicles

Bird - secretary, very elegant

Rare banana tree, the fruits are located inside

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