What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 158

12 June 2023

Here is a new series of our irregular column, which is dedicated to strange, interesting and unusual finds from curious users from different parts of the Web. Yes, "Explain to me what this thing is?" here again. Let's see what the new people unearthed this time.

I don't know what it is, any opinions?

This is a holder, in the form of a lyre, for notes of wind instruments, during a march.

What is this serving tray? metal and wood

This is for serving bagels, with notches for salmon and cream cheese. Missing rods and glassware.

It's a metal and it's relatively flexible

These are "bones" from a corset or a kneecap.

What's that heavy piece of clear glass with holes in the silver plate stand?

This is a special vase with holes for making bouquets.

What is this silver object in the shape of a rattle?

Silver items have been traditional christening gifts for children and have been popular since Victorian times. It's just a souvenir box in the shape of a baby rattle.

What is this tool with pliers and toothed rollers?

This is a device for squeezing out the remnants of toothpaste from the tube.

Glass vase found in a thrift store in Navarra, Florida

Porron is a traditional wine vessel used in Spain, especially in Catalonia.

Move like chopsticks, any ideas?

This is an antique device for putting on long gloves.

It feels like hard rubber and was found in the ground

These are stamps for cattle.

I don't know what kind of device it is. Any ideas?

Water quality tester that analyzes any water and shows the result in the application.

Found while cleaning the basement. Looks like some sort of book holder or something.

Stand for the phone. The vertical cavity was used to store the phone book. The handle on top was intended for the convenience of moving this entire structure.

It is located in the wall of the house of 1906

This is a blocked gas line when gas lighting was used in the houses.

What is this piece of plastic with a metal base that can be removed inside?

This is a stand for a clarinet or similar instrument.

It is made of wood, 20 cm long. But I have no idea what it's for. Tell me what is it?

Spoon "Yakub" — a symbol of hospitality in traditional African art, representing two different, opposite universes.

At the auction it was called a "sewing bag" but it's stuffed inside and I have no idea what it's for

This custom was widespread in the Netherlands. In Dutch, this bag is called theemuts (tea hat). It was used to maintain the temperature of the drink.

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