The girls made a cool renovation using duct tape!

12 October 2017

You always quickly get used to boring walls in a room, and after a while they begin to bore you terribly. You want to update, improve the room, make it elegant and designer, but you don’t know what exactly you want, and besides, you don’t have familiar specialists who could do a miracle for you.

And you are always tormented by the question: how to paint a wall, moving away from stereotypes and turning all your ideas and desires into reality? It seems to us that we will give you a good idea - how to turn your living space into an art object. This trick was invented not long ago by two women in Australia.

And our editors decided to share with you and suggest a simple, effective way to transform a room - applying geometric shapes to the apartment wall with your own hands.

Triangles, squares, circles scattered on the wall will create an original composition. Moreover, it is not necessary to hire people for this task; you can update the interior yourself.

To do this you need:

Masking tape or electrical tape;
Paint for walls in different colors (3-5 will be enough);
Paint tray.

Action plan.

Before you start painting, you have to do a couple of simple steps:
Clean the wall from dirt and dust.
If the old color of the wall no longer suits you, you can apply any other color as a base or background. The wall should be a single color. Wait for it to dry.
Now that you have prepared the wall for painting, you will need the following:
Turn on your imagination and fantasy.
Place strips of masking tape on the wall, covering the parts that you will not touch, to create a large geometric pattern.
Apply paint to individual sections of the resulting puzzle. All figures must be different colors.

Note: it is necessary not to drive the roller beyond the adhesive tape.
Allow the paint to dry overnight.
After the time has passed, remove the tape by pulling it towards you at an angle of 45 degrees.
Admire your masterpiece!

Now you can safely invite guests and surprise them with your work of art. We think they won’t even distinguish who did this work - a famous designer or you yourself!

We hope you like our idea! Be bold, take action! And don't forget to share with your friends!

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