The guy saved a grizzly bear cub. Look how the animal thanked the savior after 6 years...

31 May 2017

Casey Anderson could not even imagine how an ordinary trip to the forest could end for him. Six years ago, while walking through the forest, a guy discovered a tiny grizzly bear cub, which was all alone. Casey took pity on the baby, who would not have survived without his mother, and took him in with him.

It’s not for nothing that this guy is called an “animal magnet”, with Brutus - that’s what he called his new friend, they have a special relationship. The 350-kilogram animal next to him turns into a tame animal. However, outwardly this giant does not resemble a baby at all, and this soon became a problem.

The small dimensions of Casey's house no longer accommodated Brutus, and something had to be decided. The guy did not betray his friendly feelings, and did everything to provide the clubfoot with good living conditions. Brutus soon had a suitable home - the Montana Grizzly Bear Research and Conservation Park.

This establishment is famous for the fact that animals live there in their natural environment, without depriving people of the opportunity to observe their lives. But despite the fact that Brutus is now very big and independent, he has not forgotten Casey’s kindness, and is still just as devoted to him!

Непомнящих Сергей Георгиевич
Непомнящих Сергей Георгиевич
1 June 2017
Красота. Здорово. А говорят и показывают что только Русские с медведями общаются. Очень часто Путина показывают на медведе.
Анна Владимировна
Анна Владимировна
29 June 2017
Обалдеть! Вот это даааа! Вообще конечно страшно с таким зверем находиться рядом.
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