Camp Artek (54 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
4 April 2013

Memories of the Artek camp are offered by a blogger who will tell you about a fabulously beautiful place...

The longing of a significant part of the working people for the Soviet past is becoming stronger and deeper. Usually the objects of special nostalgia are the so-called

Here, in pioneer camps, there was an active exchange of school folklore from different regions, here teenagers received their first sexual experience... In a word, pioneer camps are a very capacious and important page of our Soviet past. The most famous of the pioneer camps was, of course, Artek. It was founded in the mid-20s in a fabulously beautiful place...

The creation of a children's camp in Artek was first announced on November 5, 1924 at the Moscow Pioneer Festival. And in 25, the camp already received its first campers. First photo - 1925

1927 Group photo Artek residents, Artek founder Soloviev and the first director of the camp Shishmarev.

The real flourishing of Artek began in the 30s thanks to the tireless care of the Leninist Party and personally comrade...

By the way, pay attention - the face of one of the camp leaders is painted white. Yes, and here there were enemies of the people...

And here’s another interesting point - in the early 30s the name of the camp was written in German

However... I can imagine how many eyes these boys missed))

Even before the war

King of Afghanistan Mohammed Zahir Shah and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpak in Artek. 1957

In 1965, Iranian shahine Farah visited Artek.

And in 1976, Crown Prince Reza Kir Pahlavi came to Artek. Here he is preparing to fly into space))

And this man has already been in space))

Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S. Kovpak in Artek. June 1959

Honorary Artek member Bokassa, who later turned out to be a real cannibal)) So the pioneer horror stories are not so groundless))

Well, of course, Dear Leonid Ilyich

Closing the galaxy of honored guests is an American schoolgirl who wrote a touching letter to Mikhail Gorbachev - Samantha Smith

In late Soviet times



Currently, Artek belongs to Ukraine and consists of 9 separate camps. In October 2009, a scandal broke out regarding cases of pedophilia in Artek.

Source: skif-tag

Ecce homo
4 April 2013
секс был?
4 April 2013
2 580 comments
Дмитрий Фоменко- звичайно, були нормальні сім"ї і любов, а там був секс.

luarvic-да все там мабуть було.
6 April 2013
Viggen, вопрос был по поводу скандала с педофилией
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