russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 11-13

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
14 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- As a result of interference by unauthorized persons in the operation of railway transport, 19 carriages of a freight train derailed in the Ryazan region.

- According to BILD, Germany will double its military support to Ukraine next year from the planned 4 billion euros to 8 billion euros.

- Hybrid war in action: the Russians launched an attack on charitable foundations that help with front-line vehicles.

Everything is used: provocations, custom stories with geotags, DDoS attacks on websites, attempts to hack correspondence.

One of the victims was the private foundation MK Foundation, with the assistance of which monthly imports from the private foundation are delivered to Ukraine. 80 to 100 cars. Since the Foundation does not collect donations, the philanthropist, the founder of the Foundation, also became a target.

In total, since the founding of the Foundation, with its participation, 829 cars, 15 ambulances, 5 fire engines, 5 units of special equipment and much more have gone to the front and military organizations.

- To tears 🥺: two Ukrainian pensioners purchased kamikaze drones for the 10th OGShBr "Edelweiss".

The women raised money for two drones from their own pensions - almost 20 thousand UAH each.

Let those who during the war repair stadiums and sidewalks for millions know this!

- the Russians near Bakhmut attack with renewed vigor. The occupiers are no longer on the defensive - Ground Forces.

The enemy is trying to recapture lost positions, “probe” the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, looking for weak points and actively beating them with artillery.

- Russian military bloggers continue to overreact to the fact that Russian troops failed to oust Ukrainian forces from positions on the eastern (left) bank of the Kherson region - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️On November 10, Russian troops conducted offensive operations along the Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kremennaya line, in the Bakhmut area, near Avdeevka, west and south of Donetsk, in the west of the Donetsk region, near the border of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions , in the west of the Zaporozhye region and advanced in some areas.

▪️Over the past month, Russian troops have carried out significantly fewer and fewer drone strikes in Ukraine than in previous months.

▪️Russian troops continue to experience difficulties associated with low morale and poor discipline.

- China's nuclear arsenal will double by 2030, - Pentagon.

China has built an arsenal of more than 500 operational nuclear warheads and will increase that number to 1,000 by 2030 and 1,500 by 2035, exceeding previous Pentagon estimates.

Although China has publicly adopted a "no first use" policy, meaning it will not be the first to launch a nuclear bomb, Beijing's lack of transparency has raised questions about whether the policy remains in effect.

- Canada wants to allocate $385 million for military assistance to Ukraine.

The funds will be used to provide equipment and services to Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty, including firearms, drone cameras, pilot training and tank maintenance.

- The Kremlin is falsifying history in order to instill “anti-Western” sentiments in the minds of Russians, - British intelligence.

Currently, the Russian leadership is increasingly using history for its own purposes in order to instill “anti-Western” sentiments in the Russian population and intimidate its closest Western neighbors.

- An accountant of the "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR" was killed by a drunken Russian military man, - media

The chief accountant of the “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the so-called DPR” in Volnovakha, who worked for the occupiers, Elena Kirichenko, died in an accident caused by a drunken Russian military man on a fuel tanker.

The fuel truck flew into her Slavuta car.

- The IMF and Kyiv reached an agreement on a tranche of $900 million, - IMF press service.

The IMF report said that all quantitative performance criteria at the end of June and indicative targets at the end of September were met.

Most of the structural benchmarks were also met, paving the way for an Executive Board review that would allow approximately $900 million to be disbursed.

- “Ukraine will receive F-16 fighters this winter. Ukrainian pilots learn very quickly,” ex-CIA director Petraeus.

- The DPRK is directly involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, - the President of South Korea.

He called on the United States to cooperate and unite against any provocations by North Korea. And he added that this country is also related to the war in Israel.

- the Russians in the Kherson region decided to “transfer troops to more advantageous positions.”

After the regrouping, part of the forces will be used for an offensive in other directions.

Let me remind you that earlier the Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred armored vehicles to the left bank. And the Main Intelligence Directorate reported on the probable plans of the Russians to retreat.

Meanwhile, in the swamps they changed their shoes: the news about the regrouping was canceled.

- The bastard who brought missiles to Khrushchev State Administration in March 2022 received life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

With the support of a public prosecution by prosecutors of the Kharkov Regional Prosecutor's Office, the court found the 38-year-old man guilty. Let us remind you that 31 people died due to a missile strike 🤬

- Ombudsman Lubinets contacted the SBU about Farion.

He asks that her actions be properly checked and a legal assessment provided after she leaked the personal data of a student from Crimea online.

Do you think she will be imprisoned?

- More drones and more operators for them - People’s Deputy Kopytin advocated the opening of new training centers.

Ukraine must maintain a course for training drone operators and expand the scale of production of such UAVs as "Aist-100", "Fury" and "Spectator", the people's deputy said in the media.

“On the one hand, there is already experience in training UAV operators in non-governmental institutions. And the Bayractor operators are a prime example of this. There are countries that do just that. On the other hand, the only thing that prevents the training of drone operators in state training centers is the number of such centers,” says Kopytin.

The People's Deputy predicts a rapid and positive development of this situation, because the Ministry of Defense has already signed a directive to increase the number of state training centers.

- France is training Ukrainian troops in a simulated village in rural France, where they are trained by the French military acting as the enemy.

According to French officers, Ukraine asked France to prepare future soldiers for the harsh conditions of combat and to operate in a cold, noisy, sleep-deprived environment.

The corpses of dead animals are scattered in trenches so that Ukrainians get used to the smell of death.

French troops launched surprise night attacks.

- Wargaming

- Ukrainian military are accustomed to the smell of death during exercises in France

Classes are held in such a way as to bring the soldiers as close as possible to the conditions at the front. The corpses of animals are scattered throughout the trenches, and the military themselves train without sleep, in the cold and in a noisy environment.

Training scenarios include surprise night attacks, the use of drones to simulate airborne threats, as well as trench assaults and urban warfare.

- Deal of the day

- The United States bought 60 Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns from Jordan to be sent to Ukraine, - De Telegraaf

- Don’t tell him that he put NATO license plates on his car

- Taxi service Uklon has introduced a new function - a complaint about the “anti-Ukrainian position” of the driver

This item has been added to the trip rating menu.

If you choose 1 or 2 stars, then among the complaints against the driver you can indicate “Anti-Ukrainian position.”

-Russians fired at the regional library in Kherson.

According to the head of the Kherson OVA Prokudin, the building suffered significant damage, but, fortunately, there were no casualties.

As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out, which has already been extinguished.

- Former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen proposed Ukraine's entry into NATO without temporarily occupied territories, - The Guardian.

"Ukraine's partial membership plan would not symbolize a freeze in the conflict, but would instead signal a determination to warn Russia that it cannot prevent Ukraine from joining the Western defense alliance," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

He recalled the precedent of West Germany, which joined the alliance in 1955 without the GDR. He believes that this issue cannot be postponed again and that Ukraine should be invited to join at the next NATO summit next year.

- Medvedev again decided to share his imagination.

In his own world, Ukraine should be considered “not a country, but artificially assembled territories,” the Ukrainian language should be considered a surzhik, and Zelensky should be considered a “usurper.”

He did not stop there and added that Ukraine, in fact, should not belong to Donbass, Crimea, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv and “practically everything else.”

- On Wednesday, the EU is due to announce the 12th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Restrictions, among other things, will include the supply of diamonds from the aggressor country.

- Germany will send Ukraine two more IRIS-T air defense systems by the end of this year in addition to the three that it provided earlier, - German Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Jäger.

The defense industry of our country is also interested in building long-term strategic relations with your country. Our support is mainly directed to the air defense industry - these are Gepard, IRIS-T, Patriot

We are also making a significant contribution to strengthening Ukrainian energy systems, in particular, we are talking about supporting energy capabilities. We believe it is very important that this winter passes without power outages

- Yesterday in temporarily occupied Melitopol there was a powerful explosion at the headquarters of the occupiers.

The Main Intelligence Directorate reports that an explosion occurred in the seized premises of Novaya Pochta on Dmitry Dontsov Street.

At that moment there was a meeting of FSB and Russian Guard officers.

At the moment, the liquidation of at least three officers of the National Guard has been confirmed.

- Ukraine for the first time in history refused to import gas.

According to the head of the board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Chernyshov, this happened due to an increase in the production of its own gas. According to Chernyshov, Ukraine has increased the production of its own natural fuel over the past year by no less than 7%.

- Young guys left Russia

And now let the young girls leave too

- Russian ballerina and actress Ilze Liepa may be deprived of Lithuanian citizenship. The country's Ministry of Internal Affairs saw signs of “discrediting the state” in the ballerina’s public statements

The reason for the verification was Liepa’s interview, in which she supported the actions of Russian troops in Ukraine. In addition, the ballerina admitted that she was “ashamed of the Baltic states” because of the demolition of Soviet monuments.

"We understand, unfortunately, the people are becoming hostage to a small group of people. We are extremely lucky because we have a leader like Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who serves his Motherland and is faithful to his duty," - the artist said. Earlier, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda signed a decree depriving figure skater Margarita Drobyazko of her citizenship. The reason was her participation in Tatiana Navka’s ice shows in Russia.

We hope for a successful deportation and subsequent reports about how life has become worse there.

- Is this a breakthrough or a breakthrough?

- Oh, how awkward. One of the founders of the Putin-team and a great patriot of Russia, A. Ovechkin, took part in a ceremony honoring the US military before the NHL regular season match against the Islanders.

- You won’t believe it, but this is the President of Russia and the President of Ukraine in 2025

I hope I’ll be a good Vanga

- Those who are in the know will understand

- Three minutes later the shortage of doctors became even greater

- "Cheerful" story of the cheerful humorist sound engineer of "Real Boys"

- Magazine cover

Baby Eun came to success and now everyone doesn’t laugh at his poor hungry herbivorous state, but paints him in the kitchen of the world.

- It’s a pity (no)

- Kasym Zhormatovichichiv

- Russian and anti-war rallies

Let’s finish the selection with faith in the good, we’ll meet in a couple of days

Together we will win!

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