russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 7-8

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
9 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Additional NASAMS air defense systems are now on combat duty, - Zelensky

- In Donetsk, the invaders arrived at the “Republican Center for Unmanned Systems”, which trains UAV operators.

Rusnya writes that they hit with the help of Himars

- Ukraine was the first in the world to hit an enemy missile ship before it was put into operation – Defense Express

- Russia’s military spending is 2.5 times higher than Ukraine’s, Finance Minister Sergei Marchenko said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

Ukraine’s budget for military operations in 2024 is $40.7 billion, and Russia is allocating $115 billion for these purposes.

Marchenko emphasizes that more than half of Ukraine’s budget and about 21% of the country’s GDP is spent on military needs.

He also points to Ukraine's urgent need for external financial support, estimating it at US$41 billion, with an external financing gap of US$29 billion for next year.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred armored vehicles to the left bank of the Kherson region - ISW.

Limited number of armored vehicles being knocked over and larger than normal ground operations reported. Now up to 300 of our military (battalion) can operate on the left bank.

Recall that the Russians began to mine critical infrastructure in the TOT region in case of retreat.

- Avdeevka is semi-surrounded on three sides - a representative of the 110th separate mechanized brigade Kotsukon.

“The occupiers got hit in the teeth and are now regrouping. We’ve brought 40 thousand reserve personnel here and are stockpiling ammunition.”

- Parliament voted for the continuation of martial law and general mobilization.

From November 16, 2023 for 90 days. As of February 14, 2024.

- The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Congress supported the bill on the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine.

The document authorizes the US Secretary of State to provide additional assistance to Ukraine using assets confiscated from the Russian Central Bank and other sovereign assets of Russia. Now the bill must be considered in the US Congress.

- The European Commission recommended starting the process of negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU - Ursula von der Leyen.

The EC published a report documenting Ukraine's progress in implementing recommendations on its path to the EU. Negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU will now begin.

- A Russian plane struck a civilian ship flying the flag of Liberia - Bratchuk - with a Kh-31P missile.

Three crew members, who are citizens of the Philippines, were injured. The pilot died.


The ship that came under a missile attack today was supposed to transport ore from Ukraine to China, - Minister of Infrastructure Kubrakov.

- the Russian Federation is mining critical infrastructure in the occupied Kherson region

Such actions indicate the possible intention of the Rashists to destroy these objects during their retreat

- Yandex considers the Shaman a Nazi with a bandage

His photographs are the first thing a Russian search engine produces for such a request.


- In Lugansk, the car of “ex-head of the LPR People’s Police Department” Mikhail Filiponenko was blown up, he died.

How sad

- How has the economic situation in Ukraine changed over the year?

Our economy is sufferingGreat damage due to a full-scale war is saved by the help of partners. During this time, Ukraine was able to adapt to new conditions, and international organizations began to predict economic growth.

- Russian launcher 9A316 of the Buk-M2 complex destroyed by a HIMARS MLRS strike in the Lugansk region

- Children understand everything and who you shouldn’t talk to

- Employees of Sberbank and Yandex were summoned to the prosecutor's office because of the Kandinsky 2.1 neural network. State Duma deputies made a denunciation of the neural network.

- Excuse me... what?

- Like from a textbook: “The catastrophic decline of the arts in the Middle Ages in Europe was due to fanatical adherence to the tenets of Christianity. Humanity seemed to have incredibly forgotten how to draw, sculpt, and play music.” Meanwhile, Russia , 2023

- Russian activist Rafail Shepelev was kidnapped in Georgia. For the last two years he lived in Tbilisi and had no intention of returning to Russia. In mid-October, he left his home in the Georgian capital and ended up in a Russian pre-trial detention center - “First Department”

- Ukrainian Armed Forces veteran Roman Kashpur took part in two marathons in the USA in a week, completing all distances on a prosthesis

- The first fruits of the recent explosions in Donetsk

- Hmm, interesting

- Taganrog: Very scary. We don't know what it is If we knew what it is, we don't know what it is

- A funny moment at the railway station in Kramatorsk: a doctor from Portugal - Tiorda, carries a dog named Baby Devil, which her military friends found in Severodonetsk. The dog is now constantly with Tiorda - she helps the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front

- Cry of the soul from Blagoveshchensk

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