russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 4-6

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
7 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Nadezhdovka, Kherson region

The settlement was under occupation until November 2022, there were dugouts/trenches of the occupiers in this place, now it’s like this here, they say it was all done by a local resident. Very cool!

- The first photo of the American M1A1 Abrams tank, presumably on the territory of Ukraine.

- Photos of the aftermath showing damage to the Russian Karakurt-class small missile corvette Askold at the Zaliv shipyard in Kerch after being hit by a Ukrainian Storm Shadow cruise missile.

- Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, Major Yuri Chistyakov, died as a result of a grenade explosion at his home.

Ukrainian police claim that Chistyakov died as a result of careless handling of a grenade.

But Zaluzhny himself claims that the grenade “was hidden in one of the gifts.”

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers who crossed the Dnieper have expanded the bridgehead: the situation at the front.

▪️Ours have advanced to the southwestern corner of the solar panel farm near Podstepnoye (12 km from Kherson and 3 km from the Dnieper).

▪️We are holding positions in houses in Krynki (30 km east of Kherson and 2 km from the city of Dnieper), – ISW.

▪️ZSU also carried out a limited advance west of Verbovoye (10 km east of Robotinoye to the east of the Zaporozhye region).

- The Russian Federation dropped a record number of aerial bombs per day on the Kherson region.

Yesterday the enemy fired 87 air bombs across the region, – Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is a record for a full-scale project. Earlier, I wrote that the Russians have increased the number of air bombs dropped on the Kherson region by 19 times.

The bastards stupidly destroy everything they cannot capture.

- Russia has about 870 high-precision missiles in stock with a range of more than 350 km, – Power steering

We are talking about (approximate figures):

▪️165 “Caliber”;

▪️160 X-101, X-555 and X-55 missiles;

▪️290 "Iskander" (M and K);

▪️80 “Daggers”;

▪️150 X-22/X-32 missiles.

In October, the Russians managed to launch about 115 missiles of this range.

- Ukrainian analogue of “shaheds” went into mass production, – General Director of Ukroboronprom.

Record sortie range of the new development – 1000 km. The new kamikaze drone is already being ordered by the defense forces for their operations.

- Ukraine is preparing for the worst winter in history – Kuleba.

«We try to protect our power plants as best we can. But Russians are learning. They will once again test our endurance with their missiles.

- The details of the tragedy with Zaluzhny’s assistant Chastyakov were told by the Minister of the Interior Klimenko.

«The police found a fellow soldier who gave the fatal gift. His office has already been searched.”

- Trump rejected Zelensky's invitation to Ukraine

According to him, visiting Ukraine is not appropriate now. Earlier, Zelensky called Trump to Ukraine to make sure that it was impossible to negotiate with Putin

- Zelensky:

The situation at the front is not a dead end, there will be no negotiations or concessions.

- Trump is leading in 5 of the 6 most important states where voters criticize Biden, a NYT/Siena poll showed.

- Losses of Russiansin the bloodiest battles of the full-scale war against Ukraine.

The enemy has been conducting an offensive in Avdeevka for almost a month. As the NYT writes, it became the most expensive for Russia during a full-scale war.

Interesting data for comparison.

- Official: Approved by a strike on the sea and port infrastructure of the Zaliv plant. in Kerch🔥

- If Moscow is hit with a new American bomb, 311,480 Muscovites will die, - Newsweek.

The new B61-13 bomb being developed by the Pentagon will have an explosive yield similar to the 360 kilotons of TNT equivalent of the B61-7 bomb.

B61-13 can cause significant damage to Moscow: probable deaths – 311,480 people wounded – 868 860. Everyone who would be within a radius of 3 km – will die in a month, and 15% of survivors will develop cancer, which will also lead to death.

- Military service will be replaced by intensive military training of citizens of military age, – Minister of Defense Umerov.

The new Concept of military personnel policy until 2028 has been approved. According to it, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will transfer to military service under a contract.

- An Odessa resident died at the front, whose family was killed by terrorists with a rocket in April 2022 – Head of the Odessa OVA Kiper.

Yuri Glodan, after the loss of his 3-month-old daughter Kira, wife Valeria and mother-in-law Lyudmila, went to serve, first in “Azov”, and then in the 3rd Special Brigade.

- Ukraine is considering the possibility of changing the strategy of the war with the Russian Federation, - Zelensky.

«Our military comes up with different plans, different operations in order to move forward faster. The war from Russia has not reached a dead end, although the situation is complex.”

- 15 out of 22 suicide bombers and 1 out of 4 missiles were destroyed over Ukraine at night, – PS.

▪️Odessa region. The missiles hit the center of Odessa and the old industrial complex. building. And drones – on port infrastructure. 5 wounded. (UPD: already 8).

▪️Kherson region. The Russian Federation fired a Kh-31 missile at Kherson. She damaged a 5-story building.

- In the 128th brigade, the death of 19 soldiers was confirmed due to an enemy missile attack.

UPD: The DBI began to investigate the circumstances of the death of the military.

- Spent almost 1 billion UAH: the SBU exposed the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

According to preliminary information, we are talking about Vyacheslav Shapovalov. In 2022, this official, having entered into a conspiracy with his subordinates, purchased low-quality military uniforms from a private company for almost 1 billion UAH.

- The details of the tragedy with Zaluzhny’s assistant Chastyakov were told by the Minister of the Interior Klimenko.

«The police found a fellow soldier who gave the fatal gift. His office has already been searched.”

- Reuters: Putin has already decided to run in 2024

It can't be!

- Base

- We also lost in astronautics. Confident negative growth!

- Eternal social service

- 30.10 Israel shot down one of the missiles outside the atmosphere. The ballistic missile was launched from Yemen. This incident appears to have been the first-ever case of combat in space (The Telegraph). The missile flew more than 1000 km and was intercepted by the Hetz missile defense system. outside the Earth's atmosphere

- If I’m not mistaken, this is already the third time that the security guards are hysterical about the next “carriage”rotation" Alla Borisovna

- The Russian Federation lost 13 thousand units of equipment, according to Oryx estimates

2476 tanks.

3007 BMP

369 armored personnel carrier

591 Self-Propelled Artillery

303 MLRS

93 Aircraft

132 helicopters

The Russian Federation has a cunning plan - we will destroy the rusty Soviet junk, plus all sorts of prisoners, and get some territories, and then we will rivet everything new, and then we will move on... Only the citizens will again be poor, everything is like under the Soviet Union.

- Changes to the front line this year

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