russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 8-10

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
11 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Elon Musk responded to the CNN report:

An urgent request has been received from the authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol.

The obvious goal was to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor.

If I had agreed to their request, SpaceX would have clearly been involved in a major act of war and escalation.

- Stoltenberg NATO:

You cannot sit in Brussels and tell Ukrainians how to fight.

They risk their lives, and we only support and praise them for their courage.

- Cuba arrested 17 people for trafficking young people to participate in hostilities on the side of Russia in Ukraine.

They face from 30 years in prison to execution.

- "Daily Telegraph":

The British Royal Air Force guards ships carrying Ukrainian grain after the termination of a grain deal.

In recent weeks, British aircraft have patrolled the Black Sea to prevent attacks on civilian ships.

London intends to “use its surveillance, intelligence and information-gathering capabilities to monitor Russian activities in the Black Sea.”

- Chinese opera singer Wang Fan performs the Russian patriotic song "Katyusha" in occupied Mariupol.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine:

Ukraine is awaiting clarification from the Chinese side of the purpose of the stay of Chinese citizens in Mariupol, as well as the route of their penetration into the temporarily occupied Ukrainian city.

Performance of the song "Katyusha" Chinese opera singer Wang Fang on the ruins of a drama theater in Mariupol, in which the Russian army killed more than 600 innocent people, is an example of complete moral degradation.

Moreover, according to available information, a group of Chinese bloggers arrived in the temporarily occupied city.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is initiating a ban on entry into Ukraine for all Chinese guest performers.

- The Russian Su-34 fighter is protected by car tires on top from attacks from kamikaze UAVs after the Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic bombers at Engels airbase.

Fighter Bomber claims that this practice is now being used throughout Russia.

Details matter.

This practice not only does not help protect Russian aircraft, but also significantly increases the preparation time for departure.

- Zelensky:

Putin killed Prigozhin, we have such information.

Putin lost his temper – as a person, as a politician.

For us, this is one less terrorist.

- American historian and writer Timothy Snyder published a joint photo with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny, as well as with the Baby Yoda group.

«The Force is with us. And happiness too.”

- Kim Kardashian asked Biden to protect Armenia from Azerbaijan

- Russian T-90M tank captured by Ukrainian troops during the battle for Robotino.

- ABC News:

The US is likely to send ATACMS missiles to Ukraine as part of an upcoming security aid package.

One American official was quoted as saying, “They will come,” while another said, “They are already on the table.”

- Policy:

Elon Musk, before deciding not to support the Ukrainian authorities in an attempt to attack the Russian fleet off the coast of Crimea with the help of a kamikaze UAV, allegedly managed to talk with the Russian Ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov.

Antonov warned Musk about a possible “nuclear response” from the Russian Federation.

Musk then took matters into his own hands and ordered his engineers to turn off Starlink coverage “within 100 kilometers of the coast of Crimea.”

This resulted in the UAVs losing contact and being "stranded harmlessly on shore", effectively sabotaging the offensive mission.

- Business Insider:

Russia is returning to world trade, despite sanctions and a weak ruble.

Volumes of unloading of goods in the three largest ports of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Novorossiysk) in August approached the pre-war maximum.

Where the goods came from is unclear, but activity in Russian ports was surprisingly high.

- Bloomberg:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the G20 leaders to satisfy Russia's demands for the renewal of the grain deal.

Türkiye informed her Western colleagues that the way to resume the grain deal — this is “easing sanctions” against Russia, which do not allow Moscow to import agricultural equipment.

- Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Johnsonyuk) received an honorary doctorate from Ivan Franko Lviv National University during his visit to Ukraine.

- New and dubious Russian decision against kamikaze UAV strikes on air bases

- South Korea will provide additional assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $2.3 billion, starting in 2025.

- Arrival in Krivoy Rog on September 8: there are dead and injured, – Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk OVA.

The missile hit the administration building. Preliminarily, 1 dead and 9 wounded.

UPD: The number of injured in Krivoy Rog has increased to 25 people, – Igor Klimenko.

Dead – police officer. Emergency crews extinguish a fire of 200 square meters at the arrival site. In addition, nearby residential buildings were damaged. Rescue work continues.

UPD: 41 people were injured.

- Search and rescue operations have been completed in Krivoy Rog, – Klimenko.

As of September 8, 13:30, 55 casualties are known: 1 dead and 54 injured. Among the injured – 9 police officers.

UPD: According to updated information, 1 person was killed and 59 people were injured.

- Flight range 800 km: SBU showed a new drone “Morok”.

With the help of these drones, soldiers of the Special Operations Center "A" The SBU will do the “sick” thing. to the occupiers

- The UN is conducting secret negotiations with the Russian Federation on the lifting of all major sanctions in exchange for a grain agreement, – Bild.

There are 4 main points:

▪️Russian state bank will be allowed to return to SWIFT.

▪️The UN wants to insure Russian ships against Ukrainian attacks.

▪Russia must return the frozen money.

▪️Restoration of permission for Russian ships to dock in Germany, etc.

Is anyone surprised?

- Alcoholic Medvedev threatens the United States with nuclear weapons.

- The Russian Federation has deployed 46 Iskander OTRK launchers along the Ukrainianwhat border, – Power steering

These complexes can use cruise, ballistic, and nuclear-charged missiles. I note that Russia transferred the Iskander-M to Belarus, which can use missiles with a nuclear warhead.

«Iskander-M» The occupiers most often use ballistic missiles to attack Ukraine. Their range is up to 500 km, speed – 2100 m/s. I note that the flight time for a minimum range of 50 km – 23 s, to a maximum of 500 km – 238 p. On June 1, the Russian Federation attacked Kyiv with such missiles, then our air defense shot down all targets.

Also, the orcs sometimes use the Iskander-K modification to attack our state. The R-500 cruise missile is used to hit targets; it flies at a range of up to 500 km at a speed of up to 900 km/h.

- Tell me this is trolling.

- About good Russians and the fatherland

- Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters occupied part of Opytny and were able to gain a foothold there. Fighting continues in the most populated area, — Head of the VGA Avdeevka Barabash Donetsk airport is about 3.5 km away. UA Insider

- When there is no one to blame

- Comedy in three acts

- In Gelendzhik, election observers were given summonses to the military registration and enlistment office.

KPRF member Alexander Safronov said that in Gelendzhik, military registration and enlistment office employees “go to commissions, scare observers, hand out summonses,” drew the attention of “7x7.”

Safronov published photographs of two summonses, in which it is written that recipients need to come to the Gelendzhik military registration and enlistment office on September 11 “to clarify personal data.”

- It's time to join your friends

- "Why don't you like our way of establishing world peace?"

- The secret of tires is revealed

- And the competitions are interesting

- Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier with a cat

- Russian logic

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