russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 6-7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- China bans government officials from using Apple iPhones at work.

- Alexander Sirsky, commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces:

The Russians are preparing for revenge in the Kupyansky and Limansky directions.

In the Kupyansk direction, the enemy is completing the preparation of assault troops and is daily firing at the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with artillery and mortars.

In the Liman direction, the Russians continue to replace troops with units of the 25th Army, formed and transferred from the territory of the Russian Federation.

The enemy, according to him, is trying to seize the initiative in the eastern direction.

- The EU Defense Agency (EDA) has signed the first agreements on joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine.

- US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Kyiv, met with the dog Patron

- British Defense Minister Shapps confirmed the destruction of the first Challenger 2 tank in Ukraine.

He added that Russian artillery hit the tank, causing it to catch fire.

Despite this, the crew members survived.

London does not plan to send a new one to replace the damaged one.

- Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin:

Britain has been and remains a dangerous geopolitical adversary of Russia for many centuries, the phrase “Englishwoman shits” still sounds today.

The expression is believed to have been coined by Russian General Alexander Suvorov, angered by what he saw as British duplicity during the Napoleonic wars, and is best translated as "the British are always up to no good."

- The Verkhovna Rada appointed Rustem Umerov as Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

- Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR):

Utkin died 100%, but there are questions for Prigozhin.

We can confirm the death of Utkin and several other associates of Prigozhin.

As for the PMC leader himself, I think we still have to wait.

- The Ukrainian company UKRJET presented a new multi-purpose UAV with a jet engine: UJ-23 Topaz

- flight range – up to 400 km.

- controlled flight radius - 100 km

- maximum speed - 800 km/h

- maximum flight altitude - 6 km

- minimum flight altitude - 50 m.

- deployment time - 5 minutes

- The Russian army fired ballistic missiles at a market in Konstantinovka, Donetsk region.

There is one child among the 16 dead.

Just a market square. The shops. Pharmacy. People who have done nothing wrong. Many wounded.

- New Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov:

Zero tolerance for corruption. Every stolen hryvnia costs the life and safety of our soldiers.

Corrupt officials are equated with terrorists; no negotiations are conducted with terrorists.

- New York Times:

The United States intends to transfer a new batch of cluster munitions to Kyiv in the near future.

“Insatiable demand” Kyiv's supply of ammunition will increase as a number of units increasingly rely on heavy artillery.

- Russian Major General ConstAntin Ogienko was sent to a pre-trial detention center on charges of corruption.

Until recently, he commanded the air defense army defending Moscow.

The general was imprisoned for a bribe of 30 million rubles and fraud with land.

According to investigators, Ogienko could have sold land plots that belonged to the Air Defense Army for development.

- Prime Minister of Armenia Pashinyan:

Azerbaijan has concentrated troops on the border with Armenia and on the dividing line with Nagorno-Karabakh, the situation is explosive.

- Stoltenberg NATO:

The Russian army, which was previously considered the second most powerful in the world, has now become the second most powerful in Ukraine.

Ukraine is “gradually gaining momentum” in its counter-offensive, despite heavy fighting.

These are difficult battles, but they were able to break through the defensive lines of the Russian troops. And they are moving forward.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky promoted the head of the military intelligence of Ukraine (GUR), Major General Kirill Budanov, to lieutenant general.

- Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR):

The United States is considering the option of physically eliminating the “coup leaders” who came to power in Niger.

Representatives of American intelligence services directly discuss with partners potential perpetrators of possible assassination attempts.

- It is reported that the Russian army has created special helicopter units of UAV hunters as part of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

New units are deployed in a number of regions on Mi-28N helicopters, their crews undergo special training to intercept UAVs at different times of the day and weather conditions.

- CNN:

Elon Musk secretly shut down access to Starlink off the coast of Crimea last year to prevent an underwater attack by Ukrainian American ships on the Russian Navy.

The ANM loaded with explosives had already approached the Russian fleet, but suddenly “lost contact and washed ashore harmlessly.”

Musk's decision, which left Ukrainian officials begging him to turn the satellites back on, was driven by acute fears that Russia would respond to Ukraine's attack on Crimea with nuclear weapons, a fear fueled by Musk's conversations with senior Russian officials.

- Photo of the destroyed Russian mobile coastal over-the-horizon radar complex "Predel-E"

- Rare Iranian cargo to Crimea.

The Iranian strategic airliner Il-76TD (EP-PUS), part of the IRGC, was in Crimea today, being on the peninsula for about two hours.

The plane took off from Simferopol International Airport at 17.09 and is currently heading to the south of Russia.

EP-PUS regularly flies from Tehran to Moscow (and sometimes to Tatarstan) with military cargo.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky and head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov in front of a captured Russian Mi-8 helicopter

- The United States will provide Ukraine with 190 MRAP

- On the night of September 6, the Russians attacked the Odessa region with drones, and in the morning they attacked Kyiv with missiles:

▪️For almost three hours, the occupiers attacked the Izmail district of Odessa region. One person died. Objects of the port and agricultural infrastructure were damaged: elevators, administrative buildings, agricultural enterprises.

▪️The KMVA stated that the attack on the capital was a combined one. Previously, the Russians fired cruise missiles of the X-101/555/55 type. At the same time, another type of missile, probably ballistic, was launched. All hostile targets are destroyed. In the region, rocket debris fell on a commercial establishment without casualties.

23 out of 33 air targets were shot down – PS.

▪️7/7 X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles;

▪️1/1 ballisticyu missile "Iskander-M";

▪️15/25 attack UAVs of the “Shahed-136/131” type.

Passed ballistics, air defense – force

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces captured Russian positions near Novodonetsk and Novomayorsky, from them to Mariupol about 80 km.

This is reported by Russianists who claim that powerful Ukrainian artillery fire is reducing the morale and effectiveness of Russian minefields in the area.

The Russians also cry that their troops need to strengthen their counter-battery capabilities to fight Ukrainian artillery. And this is a very exciting moment. Now we are taking out all the forward positions of the orcs and their fortifications with artillery. Cluster munitions play a significant role in this.

Previously, the orcs had an advantage in artillery and shells. Now the situation has changed, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have, if not parity in artillery systems, then very close to it. However, we are already outnumbering the Russians in counter-battery warfare; German and American radars are doing their job. In just two days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed – 74 enemy artillery systems.

- And here is a photo of Blinken on the train.

The US Secretary of State is expected to announce more than $1 billion in new funding for Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Denmark Matte Frederiksen also arrived in Kyiv. She spoke in Parliament.

- A Russian UAV fell in Romania, the country’s Ministry of Defense confirmed, – Antena 3 CNN.

The Minister of Defense called for the creation of more observation posts and more patrols. Although earlier the government of the country denied the statement about the fall of the UAV.

Two days have passed. They searched for him for a long time in an open field.

- Payments are provided to the families of the State Emergency Service and police officers who are in captivity or missing in action

They retain their pay at their last place of service and are paid to their families on a monthly basis. But this does not apply to those who voluntarily surrendered.

«In general, such payments are provided for the families of military personnel who are in captivity, but previously the State Emergency Service and the police were not taken into account. The new law finally spells out everything and justice is restored,” – said People's Deputy Goncharenko, who is one of the authors of the law.

- The search and rescue operation in Konstantinovka has been completed, – MIA.

As a result of Russian shelling, 17 people were killed and 32 were injured.

- The UK National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has published a report on the technical details of the campaign exposed and stopped by cyber specialists of the Security Service of Ukraine to distribute malware aimed at the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Russian GRU.

The UK also announced the allocation of £25 million to Ukraine to protect critical national infrastructure and vital government resources.

- The United States is transferring depleted uranium shells to Ukraine.

Washington is also giving us a new package of military aid worth $175 million. Abrams tanks will use depleted uranium shells.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces can break through the remaining Russian defense lines by the end of the year, – US intelligence.

“If we were talking about this two weeks ago, I would have been a little more pessimistic. Their breakthrough through the second defense belt is now truly significant,” – Director of US Intelligence Analysis.

- Ukraine began to export grain through Croatian ports, — Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

- The United States is providing a new package of military assistance to Ukraine worth $600 million.

The package included:

▪️equipment for support and integration of Ukrainian air defense systems;

▪️additional ammunition for HIMARS;

▪️105 mm artillery shells;

▪️ammunition for clearing mines and neutralizing obstacles;

▪️radioelectronic meanscombat and mine clearance equipment.

Cool, just yesterday there was a package worth $175 million, and today there’s a new one

- Russian-Turkish diplomacy

- Russia does not change

On January 3, 1995, Russian troops fired cluster munitions at a market and other peaceful objects in the Chechen city of Shali. More than 100 civilians were killed, more than 160 were wounded

On November 13, 2017, Russian troops shelled the market in the Syrian city of Atarib three times. 84 civilians were killed, another 150 were wounded

On July 22, 2019, Russian troops shelled a market twice in the Syrian town of Maarat al-Numan, killing 43 civilians and wounding 109.

There are many more such examples, these are just a few of them.

They only know how to fight well against civilians!

- 09/06/1976 Soviet military pilot Viktor Belenko hijacked a state-of-the-art MiG-25P interceptor with a lot of then-secret equipment on board to Japan and requested political asylum in the United States.

- I don’t know about helicopters, but when it comes to trolling, it definitely performs aerobatics.

Still, many Russians were very interested in the story with the helicopter, really, really. I think he deserved half a million dollars for this.

And then Budanov threw a couple more firewood into the burning inferno

I can imagine Budanov’s smile after this statement, wonderful, wonderful)

Now they joke that when Budanov smiles, a bridge explodes in Crimea. Out of fear

- Level of trust among Russians in Russian news

- “Ideologist of the Russian world” Alexander Dugin again gives advice on how to organize Russia

- Due to the fact that GPS is being jammed in Moscow (what happened?), Yandex is developing a device for inertial navigation in a car

- The authorities in Yakutia, on the eve of the elections, solemnly opened a wooden staircase across the heating main.

- “For 10 migrants — husband home." The wives of those mobilized from the Irkutsk region proposed sending foreigners who had received Russian citizenship to the war

Poster “If your neighbor is a migrant — call the military registration and enlistment office!' published in the Telegram chat “Siberian Rear”, where there are more than 500 participants. The poster was taken as a basis from the Great Patriotic War, “The Motherland is Calling!”, in which a woman takes the military oath. In the version of “Siberian Rear” instead of an oath — text with an appeal to tell military registration and enlistment offices about “newly made citizens of the Russian Federation who enjoy the benefits and benefits of your homeland, but accidentally forgot to register for military service.”

In the comments, wives write: “I’m generally an evil woman, I’ll help any visitor,” “I’ll even give you a ride,” “I can also give you a ride, I’ll ask for a quota at the military registration and enlistment office: for 10 migrants — husband home."

In August, relatives of those mobilized in the “Siberian rear” complained about the lack of social assistance. They accused the authorities of providing housing and benefits to refugees from Donbass, and not to military families.

I can’t understand, in the logic of the z-party, sending to the front is a blessing or a punishment?

- According to the ratings of Freedom House and The Economist, Russia is one of the most frostbitten and cruel totalitarian dictatorships in the world. (The rating is from 2022, that is, now everything is even worse)

- "Aeroflot" paid the leasing company AerCap a debt for 18 stolen aircraft

Dublin-based Avolon filed a lawsuit against Lloyds Insurance in the High Court of Ireland for planes remaining in the Russian Federationafter the start of the war in Ukraine.

The lessor recorded losses of $304 million from non-return of 10 aircraft.

Previously, AerCap, the world's largest aircraft leasing company, filed a lawsuit against insurers, whose losses for the 113 aircraft remaining in the Russian Federation amounted to $2.7 billion.

You can watch the courts endlessly, but it is best to remember that as soon as foreign insurers lose claims, they will immediately turn their heads and claims towards the Russian Federation and local airlines.

And today the media reported that Aeroflot satisfied all property claims of the Irish leasing company "AerCap" made after the appropriation of other people's aircraft.

«Aeroflot» does not name the amount of compensation for losses caused to the European insurer, which were reimbursed by citizens of the Russian Federation from their own pockets.

«Aeroflot» and the Government of the Russian Federation did not wait for decisions of international courts, because the amounts to be recovered in this case would be even greater.

Russia continues to get acquainted with effectively working international law.

Sooner or later, foreign insurers will recover all damages, including fines and penalties, for aircraft appropriated by Russian airlines.

Analysts have calculated that insurance settlements for all aircraft will require 80–96 billion rubles.

And then, when everything gets better, no one will discuss these planes because now they are not operated according to regulations. Then you'll have to buy new ones. So it's a double purchase.

- A little photoshop

- I couldn’t pass by, sorry. It’s best to read the title slowly to take in every word. So! The clergy, using a garden sprayer, sprinkle water on the military unit from a helicopter.

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