russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The New York Times:

The main phase of the Ukrainian offensive has begun, the direction of the main attack has been determined, and reserves have begun to be transferred there.

The Ukrainian Command Informed Washington About the Beginning of a New Stage of Offensive in the Direction of the Main Strike — south of Orikhov in the Zaporozhye region.

In the event of a breakthrough of the Russian defense, this will allow Ukraine to withdraw to Tokmak and further to Melitopol near the Sea of Azov.

- Biden ordered the transfer of evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court.

In the past, the Pentagon has resisted the transfer of materials to the ICC, fearing that the US military could be prosecuted.

The American intelligence services have evidence of deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure and the forcible deportation of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Nigerian soldiers announce the coup on national television.

They announced that they canceled the constitution, suspended the work of all institutions and closed the country's borders.

Nigerian President Mohamed Bazum has been held by members of the Presidential Guard since Wednesday.

- British Deputy Secretary of Defense James Hippie:

Ukraine currently justifies our expectations. They are generally implementing the plan they developed with us, the Americans and others, last winter.

This is not a Hollywood movie. There shouldn't have been a moment when the tanks would roll and the music would play and the war montage would play out and then, at the end, victory by September.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky and General Zaluzhny

- Russian Minister of Assassination Shoigu calls the North Korean army "the strongest in the world."

Is it now Russia by how many points has moved?

- AFP, citing sources in the Ukrainian army:

Russian armed forces actually blocked all Ukrainian ports after the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the grain deal.

- Analytics from Putin today:

Ukraine has intensified hostilities, mainly in the Zaporozhye direction, but they have not been successful.

Ukrainian troops in the course of yesterday's battles in the Zaporozhye direction suffered heavy losses of personnel - more than 200 people, the losses of Russians are 10 times less.

- The United States delivered 66 new Humvees to the Serbian armed forces under a contract concluded in 2021 for the supply of 118 units.

The rest of the cars will be delivered in 2024.

- A US intelligence report states that China is providing Russia with technology for Russia's military capabilities.

- Ukrainian soldiers liberate Staromayorskoe

- Politico:

American Abrams tanks are likely to arrive on the battlefield in Ukraine in September.

- North Korean copies of the American MQ-9 Reaper UAV at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the "Victory" in the Korean War.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also attended the parade.

- Our eternally dissatisfied Hungarian Prime Minister Orban:

The existence of Ukraine and the viability of the Ukrainian army rests only on the money of the West, sovereignty is lost.

- Times:
British Officials Accidentally Send Secret Documents to Mali, Putin's Ally.

The Pentagon uses the .mil domain. However, the British made a mistake and sent a message to the domain name «.ml» — in Mali.

It was reported that some of the documents sent contained detailed descriptions of British research into hypersonic missiles and were classified.

- Russian way to use Starlink

From the creators of the story about electric kettles without a stand

- Poland will almost double the size of its army.

Currently, the Polish army has 172,000 soldiers.

The goal of the Polish army is to have at least 300,000 soldiers.

The number of divisions in the Polish Army will increase from 3 to 6.

- French President Emmanuel Macron "with the most decisiveness" condemns the coup attempt in Niger.

Macron considers coup "dangerous" for the region.

He calls for «liberation» President Mohamed Bazum, who was detained by coup soldiers for almost 48 hours.

- Financial Times:

Deepening military cooperation between China and Russia is a "serious concern" Japan in terms of its security.

For Tokyo, it is obvious that the joint exercises of the two countries are directed against Japan.

- Lover of the Maldives Aristov has already received suspicion

The SBU and the State Bureau of Investigation have collected the entire evidence base.

- "Let's go with my family to live in the forest, mobilize yourself": the reaction of Russians to the tightening of legislation for those liable for military service

Don't you love your homeland, or what?! Very funny tale

- Deputies must obtain permission from Shoigu to travel to the war zone

- Member of the Federation Council Panchenko died at the age of 60, who in 2018 supported raising the retirement age to 65

Outplayed all

- In Chechnya, they stopped issuing passports to people under 30 without the presence of older relatives

▪️In this way, the authorities want to make sure that "the purposes of the trip do not contradict the interests of Russia"

- Japan expands the list of goods prohibited for export to the Russian Federation. This time it's cars.

▪️It is not allowed to export cars with an engine over 1.9 liters, hybrids and tires for large vehicles

- Ukrposhta will issue a stamp in honor of fencer Olga Kharlan - General Director of Ukrposhta Smelyansky

- Unknown technology

- Once again: there is no more property rights in Russia. In the Russian Federation, they began to seize from the owners of enterprises that produce military products.

- Rosfinmonitoring included a pediatric gastroenterologist from Novosibirsk in the list of "list of terrorists and extremists"

Bukulova Nana Yurievna from Novosibirsk was added to the list as a terrorist. Presumably, we are talking about a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor who currently lives in Kyiv. She probably received her education at the North Ossetian Medical Academy at 2002-2008, after which she worked in Novosibirsk. The correspondent of the publication "Avtozak Live" drew attention to the updates of the list of Rosfinmonitoring.

Nana specializes in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract in children and deals with the treatment of congenital and acquired pathologies.

- Sport is separated from politics...

- The prosecutor's office asked the entrepreneur from the Leningrad region Dmitry Skurikhin 2 years and 6 months in prison. This is reported by SOTA and the Rotunda.

The prosecutor asked the Lomonosov court to find the owner of the regional store and activist Dmitry Skurikhin guilty and send him to a colony for 2.5 years. He is being tried for repeated discrediting of the army (Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This was reported from the courtroom by the correspondent of "Sota". Skurikhin is accused in the case of "discrediting the army". The poster with the inscription "Sorry, Ukraine", with which a man knelt at the picket, the investigation proposes to destroy.

Skurikhin — 48 years old, he is a father of many children (he has five daughters, three of them are minors). In the village of Russko-Vysotskoye, he has his own store, which he rents out. According to SOTA, the activist gained fame after he installed anti-war price tags in his store in support of Sasha Skochilenko. After that, he wrote the names of Ukrainian cities on the store building.

In May 2022, he was fined for discrediting the army for a video on Telegram, in September — filed a criminal case for repeated discrediting because of a pacifist poster. In 2023, another similar criminal case was opened against the entrepreneur — Skurikhin was photographed with a poster about Ukraine, and his daughter sent the photo to reporters. Skurikhin was first sent to a pre-trial detention center, but later released under house arrest.

- In Krasnodar, the court fined a girl for 200 thousand rubles for a tattoo with a dog in a rainbow scarf

In Krasnodar, the judge of the world precinct No. 56 fined local resident Alexandra 200,000 rubles for a tattoo depicting a dog in a rainbow scarf. This was reported by the human rights foundation "Sphere".

The girl was accused of "LGBT propaganda" — part 4 of article 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The reason was the photos published on social networks, in which the tattoo was visible.

During the detention, the police asked the girl questions about her personal life and threatened to cancel the lawyer's call. “If a lawyer arrives now, we will generally launch the entire legal machine. We’ll dig up something else there, and it will be even worse, & raquo;, — Alexandra said.

She plans to appeal this court decision

- when you are vice-president of the hockey federation, but you don't understand the difference between ice hockey and field hockey

- Ukrainian Olympic champion Harlan put up a saber instead of shaking hands with Russian woman Smirnova

Russians provoke with a specialist? Or it cannot reach that those who did not publicly speak out against the war do not shake hands

On the Internet and on the Internet, users found a photo of a Russian woman with her brother. of course sport in not politics

- State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Irina Filatova proposed to recognize transgender transition as extremism

Hmm, I like this kind of logic.

Work in the State Duma requires a lot of money, so deputies in Russia are most often involved in criminal areas: in corruption, drug trafficking and others. Therefore, the State Duma must be recognized as extremist!

- funny meme

- Russian brains that no one needs (two pictures)

-Residents of Niger celebrate with Russian flags the coup of the western-backed president. According to Sky News, the Russian Federation may be positive about the coup

- On the visit of Shoigi to the DPRK

- Medvedchuk issued a recipe for "saving" Ukraine

- Pynya will prohibit lawyers from helping the graved

- I have two sides

- 10 thousand pilots and tens of thousands of drones of 40 different types: the results of the "Army of Drones".

In the photo of Konstantin Liberov there are 1700 more drones, which will soon be at the front.

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