russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 25-26

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
27 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Oleksandr Kamyshin, Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine:

Ukraine will become the weapon arsenal of the free world and the master of warfare.

We want our country to become the largest arms producer in Europe.

We already have the first successes, I cannot reveal more, but the greatest emphasis is placed on the production of missiles.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

Ukraine will continue to strike at the Crimean bridge.

- US Department of State:

We have information that suggests that they (the Russian Federation) are apparently preparing a false flag operation.

They threatened ships operating in international waters, which led to today's attack on the Danube.

- The Chinese Parliament fired Foreign Minister Qin Gang.

He has not appeared in public since June 25th. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Wang Yi has been elected as China's new foreign minister.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba:

Ukraine will try to create a new grain corridor after receiving F-16 fighters.

- The Pentagon announces another $400 million military aid package to Ukraine:

- Additional ammo for Patriot and NASAMS

- Stinger, Javelin and TOW

- 155 and 105mm shells

- 120 and 60mm mortar shells

- 32 Stryker APCs

- UAV Black Hornet Nano


Iran is helping Russia build an arsenal of UAVs that is expected to be "several orders of magnitude larger" than its previous arsenal.

Russia, with the support of Iran, is building a plant for the production of UAVs in the country, which could have a significant impact on the war in Ukraine

- Photos of the damaged propeller of the American MQ-9 Reaper UAV were published by the US Air Force Central Command.

This damage was caused to an American UAV after Russian Su-35 fighter jets fired flares.

- New Ukrainian kamikaze IVDS presented at IDEF 2023 in Turkey: MAGURA V5

- Length: 5.5 m

- Cruising speed: 22 knots

- Maximum speed: 42 knots

- Range: 450 nautical miles (approximately 833 km)

- Payload 320 kg

- The transparency of the presidential elections in Russia will be assessed by observers from Cambodia

▪️They were invited to the next presidential elections, the CEC reported. At the same time, they intend to actually ban independent election observers.

Will Russians participate in elections at all? Or will the main contingent be registered from cemeteries?

- Everything according to plan: sparkling decisions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

▪️ Penalty up to 30 thousand rubles for failure to appear on subpoena at the draft board

▪️Fine up to 500 thousand rubles for failure to provide assistance to military registration and enlistment offices when declaring mobilization

▪️Fine up to 400 thousand rubles for failure to provide lists of citizens to the military enlistment office for initial registration

▪️ Prohibition to travel abroad for people who have received a summons (it is enough that this summons appears in the register)

▪️Citizens of the Russian Federation who turn 27 by the end of 2023 will not be called up in 2024 and will automatically become liable for military reserve

- Russians are returning from the front

- The first photo of the Mercedes-Benz Zetros 4x4 truck in service with the Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine has already received 140 Zetros 4x4 trucks out of 200 planned for transfer as military aid from Germany.

- Ukrainian official Gumenyuk claims that Russia is now attacking Ukraine with Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze UAVs assembled in Russia

- The Russian army uses 120-mm mortars made in Myanmar.

- Here's what's going on in Ukraine

- Zigabu starts to suspect something

- With these people, the authorities can do whatever they want. And everyone will take it for granted. They will grumble a little and accept. Here is the reaction of parents of children with disabilities to the possibility of mobilizing the fathers of these children. In short: "Puten, pamagi!"

- Here's more about the video I posted earlier today

- Cotton glow after the removal of the coat of arms of the USSR from the Kyiv Motherland

- Sergei Belavin was sentenced to 22 years in prison, accused of blowing up railway lines in the Bryansk region last summer, — TASS.

- About - Optimization

- The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized participation in the war against Ukraine as the basis for exemption from criminal punishment. As the court noted, the convict performs combat missions, therefore, he no longer poses a danger to society.

The Judicial Collegium for Military Personnel Affairs of the Supreme Court released Corporal Vladislav Ustinov from punishment, who was previously found guilty of a fatal accident. Reason — he is participating in the war in Ukraine, Kommersant writes.

In May last year, the Khabarovsk garrison court found Ustinov guilty of an accident in which two people died. He was sentenced to two years in a colony-settlement. However, the decision of the Supreme Court states that more than a year and a half has passed since the crime was committed, and Ustinov himself is now "performing combat missions in the zone of the NMD." The court ruled that he was no longer a danger to society and that he should be released from punishment.

The court decision also states that Ustinov committed the first crime of medium gravity, fully admitted his guilt and repented. In addition, the court notes that the command characterizes Ustinov as a serviceman who shows "courage, bravery and a high level of professional training."

«Kommersant» writes that this decision was made by the Supreme Court after severaldays after the law came into force, allowing the release of participants in the war from criminal liability for minor crimes. The document notes that those convicted of crimes of small and medium gravity can be released from punishment if they are mobilized or they agree to conclude a contract for military service. Ustinov at that time already served under the contract.

His lawyer Sergei Bizyukin believes that now the courts will be able to use the participation of defendants in criminal cases in the war as a mitigating circumstance, or, in his opinion, this may become the basis for reviewing the verdict.

- FBK loses donators

- Guys, why is that? They support the bombing, but they themselves do not want to serve

- fasten

- The Moscow Mayor's Office will publish the magazine "Za Rodinu!". It was also called Hitler's newspaper for the occupied territories of the USSR

In the current edition, city officials intend to publish stories about Russian military men of "different nationalities", which they will tell themselves (or their relatives, if the military themselves are no longer up to stories). The magazine will be sent to the front line for "to maintain the patriotic spirit of the participants of the NWO", 2.35 million rubles will be spent on its release.

German edition of "For the Motherland" came out from 1942 to 1944 in the occupied territories of the USSR, and then, along with anti-Semitic and anti-Soviet articles, they published announcements for the recruitment of volunteers in anti-partisan detachments, and the candidates were promised big salaries and career growth.

Attention to the publication was drawn by the publication ""

- Are you worried about the irremovability of power and economic degradation? There is an exit!

- Navalny called the terrorist Strelkov a "political prisoner"

- This black hole is collapsing more and more

- ASTRA: The Russian military left Kleshcheevka near Bakhmut, according to the Rusich DShRG. The day before, Pushilin's assistant assured that information about this — fake CIPSO
On July 24, Pushilin's assistant Gagin stated that the information about the capture of the village by the Armed Forces of Ukraine is "a lie and the work of the CIPSO".

Z-propagandist «KP» Alexander Kots writes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupied "part of the heights" at Kleshcheevka. “Fights are going on, no one controls the entire settlement. At the same time, enemy artillery actively uses cluster munitions. There have not been so many in this direction for a long time, apparently from freshly brought, — he wrote.

"Military Volunteer" Aleksey Zhivov claims that he spoke with the military in this direction and that “at the moment, information about the abandonment of this village is not confirmed”; “Although the gray zone around Kleshcheevka, unfortunately, is expanding. Not in our favor. As for the mobilized, I don't know. I know that there is a landing party there, and the guys are still coming to reinforce them. The situation there is really difficult, — Zhivov writes.

- After the rebellion, Prigozh decided to legalize PMCs in the Russian Federation. But there is a nuance: these "private" military companies can only be ... state-owned! How is that in general?

- With whom will you behave ... Viktor Orban: He called Slovakia a torn part of Hungary

Prime MinisterHungarian Minister Viktor Orban called Slovakia a "torn off part" of Hungary.

The odious politician stated this on July 22 at a meeting with the Hungarian minority in the Romanian city of Beil Tusnad. Slovakia has already reacted to Orban's statement about its territorial integrity.

"We will not tolerate questioning of Slovakia's sovereignty in any direct or indirect way. Nor will it interfere in our internal affairs", – according to a statement from the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The statements of the Hungarian Prime Minister regarding the territorial integrity of the country were also called unacceptable there.

Earlier, Orban stated that Ukraine allegedly is no longer a sovereign state.

- In the Ka-52 helicopter destroyed on July 25, Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners liquidated Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces Vitaly Tabachnikov – commander of a helicopter regiment from the Far East. 🥳

- Russian world

Haha, the essence of the national-patriotic movement is very accurately conveyed.

- Carlson flew away (author of the channel and commander of the drone detachment in Akhmat)

- The Russian world happened to Girkin's sidekick in the comments

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