russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Mobica was called by mistake and forced to pay money

That's the deposit. A stranger story I have never heard

- Biden in Kyiv

Well, how is it? Kyiv in 3 days or the "worst enemy" of the Russian Federation comes to the territory of Ukraine and wipes the snot off everyone who strongly dreams of destroying the United States?

I wonder what Putin feels now?

- #losses of invaders as of 02/20/2022

🔻+820 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

▪️Junior Lieutenant — Rauf Turabov

▪️Lieutenant — Dinar Kadyrov

▪️Lieutenant — Igor Ovsiuk

▪️Lieutenant — Andrey Katrychev

- Russia does not have enough reserves in order to increase the scale of the offensive in the Luhansk region, — ISW.

At present, the main phase of Russian offensive operations in the Luhansk region continues. Analysts noted (, that the Russian offensive may temporarily gain momentum when the last reserves are brought in, but the likelihood of achieving their goals or significant victories is low.

- "It will be a historic victory": Zelensky about the end of the war.

➡️ It is very important not to freeze the conflict, as was done ( in 2014.

➡️ The Russians are not as strong as they used to be. Now we are much stronger than them. We are not afraid of them.

➡️ If we lose, we lose everything. We will end this war with victory for all of us.

- A high-ranking Chinese diplomat arrived in Moscow to negotiate a possible peace plan for Ukraine, — sky news.

According to the publication (, this will alarm the West, because fears that China can provide military assistance to Russia, continue to grow.

- Head of the IMF Georgieva will visit Kyiv, — Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Dubinsky.

According to him, the blocking of the center of the capital is connected with this. This is her first visit to Ukraine.

- Biden in Kyiv

- Bild journalist: Biden arrived in Kyiv.

"The city, which ( was supposed to be under the control of Russia for 360 days. What a strong sign to the dictator Putin," wrote Julian Repke on Twitter.

- Biden, welcome to Kyiv!

"Your visit – is a very important manifestation of support for all Ukrainians", — wrote Zelensky.

- Ukraine will receive a new $500 million military aid package from the US, — The White house.

It is reported that the aid package will be announced tomorrow.

- Biden's visit is strategic. A lot of issues are being resolved and those that are hanging will be accelerated, — Yermak.

It is worth noting that the last time the US president visited Ukraine was back in 2008 – it was George Bush Jr.

- Biden announced the transfer of 700 tanks to Ukraine.

>"Together with more than 50 partner countries, we have approved the delivery of more than 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles", — said the President of the United States.

UPD: Biden summed up all the help of partners since the beginning of the war. That is, we will not be supplied with another 700 tanks, but we have been allocated 700 tanks this year.

- Italy can supply 5 Tornado and Amx combat aircraft to Ukraine, — la Repubblica.

The publication notes ( that the agreement may be achieved during Prime Minister Meloni's visit to Ukraine tomorrow.

- If China unites with Russia, there will be a world war, — Zelensky.

"I would like China to be on our side in this war, but this is not possible now. If China enters an alliance with Russia, there will be a world war. China is aware of this", — declared ( the president.

- The US does not have the right to lecture on the possible supply of weapons to Moscow, — Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

"It is the US side, not the Chinese side, that constantly supplies weapons to the battlefield. The US has no right to lecture China, and we will never allow the US to dictate or pressure Sino-Russian relations", — said ( Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

- Today is Alcoholics Day.

In fact, this holiday is not at all a call to have one more drink, it is – a celebration of people who managed to overcome alcohol addiction.

- China is trying to convince the world that it can be an intermediary between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, — Bloomberg.

"To make the offer credible ( ?srnd=premium-europe), China should be treated as an independent party. China has clearly chosen a side in this conflict", — said a senior fellow at the School of International Studies who is a co-author of a book on China's foreign policy.

- "Incredibly offensive": some Republicans criticized Biden for a trip to Ukraine.

They believe ( that Biden chose Ukraine over America on President's Day and "made the American people pay for the Ukrainian government and the war."

- Russia will not use nuclear weapons even if Ukraine de-occupies Crimea, — Rutte.

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands is sure (, Russia understands: if they use nuclear weapons, then The United States will strike back, and this response will be much more powerful. The US is so much stronger than Russia that it simply cannot take this risk.

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