russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 27-28

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
29 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Fragments of an object resembling an air-to-ground missile found in Poland.

The forest where the rocket fell is located about 500 km from the border with Ukraine, more than 400 km from the border with Belarus and about 240 km from the Kaliningrad region of Russia.

- Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, Deputy Minister of Defense for Logistics, has been fired.

Mizintsev has held his position since September 24, 2022, after the dismissal of Army General Bulgakov.

- The second division of the Ukrainian Patriot air defense system is already in service.

AN/MPQ-53 radar visible.

- Iranian ATGM Dehlaviyeh is now used by the Russian army.

Dehlaviyeh is an Iranian copy of the Russian Kornet-EM ATGM.

- In the state of Ohio, USA, models of launchers of the Russian Tor-M1 air defense systems were seen; and S-300 with 5N63 / 30N6 radar.

Probably ordered and will be used by the US Air Force for target shooting.

- German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius:

Transfer of another 80 Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine will begin in the middle of this year.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

Preparations for the Ukrainian counter-offensive are winding down, in general we are ready.

As soon as there is the will of God, the weather and the decision of the commanders, we will do so.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

Denmark handed over 19 CAESAR self-propelled howitzers and they are already on combat duty.

- The German publication Bild reports that the Ukrainian army is preparing combat kayakers to cross the Dnieper.

Ukrainian army intends to use small operational units of special purpose on special kayaks.

A special coating has been applied on board so that they cannot be detected by night vision devices.

- The New York Times:

The United States handed over radiation sensors to Ukraine to detect nuclear explosions.

A network of atomic sensors is being deployed "throughout the region" and they will be able to "characterize the size, location and effects of any nuclear explosion."

- Former Polish MiG-29 fighters (unmarked) to Ukraine.

- Another 20 Italian 155-mm self-propelled howitzers M109L are on the way of repair and preparation for shipment to Ukraine.

- Apocalyptic scenes near Cossack Bay in Sevastopol after a Ukrainian UAV hit a fuel tankat

- "Butcher of Mariupol" fell out of favor, — Russian media.

Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev has been removed from the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russian "military correspondents" report.

It was he who stood behind the barbaric destruction of Mariupol and the murder of thousands of civilians.

- Antitila announced a concert in the Crimea.

Ukrainian group puzzled and at the same time pleased fans with unexpected news.

- The occupiers admit that they kill Ukrainian prisoners of war after interrogations.

Such murders are committed in a brutal way – prisoners' throats are slit.

This is evidenced by a new intercept by the SBU, made on the eastern front of Ukraine.

- The NBU has improved the forecast for Ukraine's economic recovery this year from 0.3% to 2%.

"The economy will return this year ( ;utm_medium=push-link&utm_source=push) to growth that will accelerate in coming years as security risks are projected to decline", — state in the NBU.

- The SBU exposed the head of the Poltava District Court, who worked for the FSB and leaked information about the defenders of Mariupol

A woman "came out" to the occupiers herself at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. Then she was in Berdyansk, where she worked as a judge in the district court. There she met a representative of the FSB and gave him consent to tacit cooperation in favor of the Russian Federation.

- The price of borscht has increased by 21% since the beginning of the year.

Cost index ( of cooking Ukrainian borscht for 3 ,5-4 liters of water for the first quarter of 2023 increased by 21% and amounted to 185 UAH. In January, it would take 153.5 UAH.

According to the study, almost all ingredients of borscht, except for beets (43% cheaper), increased in price. In particular, the price of potatoes rose by an average of 7%, carrots – 35%, sour cream – by 3%, and cabbage – by 48%.

- International aid this year may exceed $42 billion, — head of the National Bank.

The National Bank expects ( that the volume of international assistance in this year may exceed $42 billion, which will contribute to the growth of international reserves up to $35 billion.

- Telegram in Ukraine will be controlled, — this was stated by the Minister of Culture Alexander Tkachenko.

According to him, ( there are "many Russian activities" in anonymous Telegram channels. When asked by journalists whether any state control or ban would be imposed on Telegram, the minister noted that he did not talk about the ban, rather — about "certain regulation".

- Joe Biden and his temporary bodyguards.

In the United States today is the so-called Take Your Child to Work Day. It's a national holiday that gives kids in the US a glimpse into the working world of adults.

Biden's bodyguards brought their children to work and allowed them to work so that they would understand what their parents were doing.

- The SBU reported suspicion to a novice of the UOC (MP), who praised the Wagners.

The attacker turned out to be a 48-year-old novice of the Pochaev Assumption Lavra. The defendant used profiles on banned Russian social networks through which he actively disseminated Kremlin propaganda narratives.

- Putin signed a decree allowing the deportation of residents of the occupied territories of Ukraine without a Russian passport.

The document provides that before July 1, 2024, people must decide: either to become citizens of Russia, or to declare that they do not want to do this. Those who choose the second option will be considered foreigners and may be deported.

- Danish intelligence suspects Moscow of the Nord Stream explosions, — Information edition.

➡️ Explosions at Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines thundered in the Baltic Sea on September 26, 2022.

➡️ The Kremlin accused Britain of sabotage, the Western media issued a version about a certain pro-Ukrainian special group, and the special services of the countries of the Baltic region did not rule out Moscow's provocation.

➡️ On September 21 and 22, the Russian special vessel SS-750 cruised in the sea area, carrying the AS-26 Priz mini-submarine on board. This submarine is designed for deep-sea sabotage.

- NABU and SAPO reported suspicion to two former deputy directors of the state-owned enterprise UkSATSE.

We are talking about the former First Deputy Director of UkSATSE Igor Kasyanenko and Deputy Director of the State Enterprise Serhiy Gombolevsky. According to the investigation, in 2016 they ignored the order of the head of UkSATSE and the warning of the Ministry of Infrastructure and continued to make payments through the troubled PJSC Platinum Bank.

Thus, the actions of ex-officials of UkSATSE led to UAH 160 million in losses.

- The United States handed over radiation sensors to Ukraine to detect nuclear explosions, — The New York Times.

According to the publication, ( the goal is to make sure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on the territory of Ukraine, Moscow's responsibility for this could be proven.

Atomic sensor network deployed "across the region" and will be able to "characterize the size, location and effects of any nuclear explosion."

- The dog saved from the rocket.

This morning Basya woke up her owners. The shepherd heard the air raid signal sounding in the Dnieper and warned the owners by waking them up. The couple survived, a fragment of a Russian shell stuck in the wall of their house.

- "Elite of the nation", "great funfourier" (from the word "fanfurik", alcohol from pharmacies) Denis Dyrkin went to fight against the Ukrainians and was killed.

He is known for teaching uneducated Russians how to whip cologne correctly.

- Democrats demand that Biden hand over F-16s and long-range missiles to Ukraine, — The Hill.

According to Democrats, F-16s and long-range missiles can become key for the defense and counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The publication also writes ( that this proposal is supported by some US military leaders.

- +540 Russians died in the status of stinking fascists who invaded a foreign country instead of living in peace in their own

Identified "fat" we have a good day today. So, among the officers:

▪️Captain Vyacheslav Milovanov

▪️Lieutenant Radmir Khairullin

▪️Senior Lieutenant Ilya Dikov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Valery Khripunkov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Yermek Shaikenov

▪️major Sergeand Kuzmichev

▪️Lieutenant Danila Bolshunov;

▪️ Major Yuri Zhogolev

In total, since 02.24.22, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have qualitatively "improved" 189,460 volunteers

- Footage of today's shelling of Ukraine by Russian bastards. Residential buildings, there are dead

The fact that scum doing and approving it exists — already a cringe in itself. Revenge will come, the time is coming. Izolda Markovna is in touch, hello!

- In Moscow, a confectioner was detained for "anti-war cakes"

- Russia was ordered to pay 130 million euros to Georgia for its actions in August 2008

This is the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. It's time to start paying for everything

- Cynicism hit the bottom. Russia officially stated that they "delivered a missile strike with high-precision weapons at the points of temporary deployment of units of the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine"

▪️Recall that residential buildings turned out to be "points of deployment". 17 people died in Uman

Pay attention to the picture with which this information was submitted

- Life imprisonment for treason — done

Given that high treason in Russia is a flexible concept — goida!

- The messages of the Russian state to state employees (and citizens in general) repeat two main messages in abusive relationships

- "Party of the Dead" held an anti-war action in Georgia

- In Russia, they created an analogue of the drug from SMA "Zolgensma" and tested it on several children. Doctor Alexander Kurmyshkin said that not a single family from the Russian Federation gave their child for testing, children from the annexed territories of Ukraine could take part in them

- This fish is called a ribbon moray eel. In Russia, it is banned for discrediting the Russian army.

- When Putin and other dregs subside, it would be good to relocate the authors of the law on "fakes" to the city of Seversk (3,700 km from Moscow, a site for the production of uranium and plutonium) and offer them to earn from 700,000 to 3,000,000 rubles a fine by honest work. To correct social adequacy.

</ p>

- A new decree on the fight against smoking in the Russian Federation was signed

- The percentage of disapproval of the actions of the Russian government on April 25, 2023 from the Gallup Institute

Russian air defense

- The level of change in democracy in countries over the past year

- In Moscow, they came with a search and detained a girl-confectioner because of a cake with the inscriptions "No to war" — OVD-Info

Anastasia Chernysheva has been baking cakes under the Bread and Circuses brand for many years, often decorating her pastries with the colors of the Ukrainian flag or anti-war slogans. The girl transfers part of her income to charitable organizations, while she denies that she donates directly to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Today the police came to Chernysheva with a search. The girl was detained and taken to the Izmailovsky police station. OVD-Info defender Yulia Evdokimova believes that the reason for this was a cake with the inscriptions: "No to war"

- Not bad

- Recently I came across

- Sergey Aleksashenko

- Even if there is one hundred percent evidence that the Russian Federation blew up the "streams", they will deny everything. Remember flight MH17

- Most of the deaths of Russians in the NVO zone are not due to severe injuries, but due to unprofessional first aid. And many amputations are the result of poor tourniquet application - doctor Artem Katulin.

- Putin allowed the deportation of Ukrainians from the occupied territories. According to his decree, residents of the occupied territories who refused to accept Russian citizenship will be considered foreigners. If the Russian authorities recognize such people as a threat to national security, they will be deported - Ateo

- In case you didn't know...

- The mural that was visible at the entrance to the city. Mural of a happy family. Bahmut

- APU fighter with seals. Bakhmut, Ukraine, 2023.

- Uruk-hai bulletproof vests are being purchased for the Russian military; company "Mordor-Tak"

- Rate the sequence of news from Crimea

- Moscow state employees were obliged to look out for drones in the sky during the May holidays

- Flowers are brought to the monument to Lesya Ukrainka in Moscow. Also there appeared a sign “Uman. Dnipro»

- Putin introduced a sentence of up to five years in prison for helping to send him to The Hague. Officially, this is called for "assistance in the execution of illegal decisions of international organizations."

- Got it?

- They laughed, and then they themselves ...

- A man mobilized from Volgograd demands to admit that he is an alcoholic in order not to go to war.

In the past, a 43-year-old former senior lieutenant was fired from service due to alcoholism.

September 28, 2022 Sergei (name changed) was mobilized. Without a medical examination, the man was taken to the training ground to prepare for being sent to the war. However, there the former military man continueddrink. As a result, Sergei was sent to a military hospital to see a psychologist, who advised him to "avoid drinking alcohol." The man, however, ignored the doctor's advice, and when those mobilized from the training ground were sent to war, Sergei simply left.

In March, a man filed a lawsuit against his unit, which did not provide him with a medical examination, but immediately after the first meeting, Sergei was detained by the military. The lawyer of the former lieutenant made sure that he was allowed to go home. The lawyer believes that a criminal case may be initiated against his client on the unauthorized abandonment of the unit during mobilization.

Now Sergei is being examined in civilian polyclinics.

- The first film about the cursed war

- And they dream not of the roar of the cosmodrome... but of the roar of Ukrainian drones

- This is a photo of a dead little girl and her mother in the Dnieper. In total last night, at least 11 people were killed, the search continues.

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