russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- We have big problems

Our favorite whiner "Thirteenth" released another post that describes the "invincibility" of the Russian army.

If such a trash happens in the first line on the front line, then to speak at least about some successes of the Russian army — useless 😂

Thirteenth, don't be too upset there. You can be captured, or you can go to Kobzon

- Six soldiers were injured near Belgorod, rolling over in "Kamaz" — media

Already they can't even get to the "liberation"

- The Russian Federation came second after the DPRK in terms of the scale of dependence on China

At the end of 2022, China began to provide more than 40% of the goods imports of the Russian Federation, due to Western sanctions, becoming the main trading partner. Chinese firms are replacing departed Western companies.

Representatives of the highest military-political leadership of the Russian Federation and numerous propagandists systematically promote the thesis that the invasion of Ukraine is nothing more than a struggle for "true sovereignty"; Russia, the process of getting rid of external dependence. In practice, the break in relations with the Western world has the opposite effect for the Russian Federation. The country becomes dependent on one major partner, which has its own vision of the world order, different from Russia.

- The European Union has prepared a new package of sanctions against Belarus due to its participation in the war with Ukraine, — Bloomberg.

The proposed ( sanctions largely duplicate the restrictions that The European Union has already imposed against Russia - in particular on the export of key technologies and the energy sector.

- Missiles for NASAMS air defense systems and ammunition: Belgium is preparing a record package of military assistance to Ukraine for 90 million euros, — L'Echo.

According to the publication, the state will transfer APU air-to-air missiles AIM-120 AMRAAM, which can be used for the NASAMS anti-aircraft missile system. Also, the aid package will include launchers for the Mistral air defense system, but without missiles.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed the counteroffensive near Kremennaya, the Katsaps were "alarmed" and in the Zaporozhye direction, — ISW.

As they write in the ISW, active battles continue in the Donetsk direction. The Russians couldn't capture Carbon. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are repulsing the attacks of the Russians near Bakhmut.

- Poland plans to transfer to Ukraine not only Leopard. The country is ready to provide another 60 modernized tanks, including PT-91, — Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki.

Poland will send these 74 tanks ( to Ukraine in the coming weeks.

- The Baltic States bought Russian liquefied petroleum gas and sold it to Ukraine, — Reuters.

According to the publication, the reason ( , according to which Kyiv buys Russian fuel from the Baltic countries – the difference in price is 150-200 dollars per ton compared to the prices offered by Poland and Romania.

- Ukrainian military arrived in Germany to train on the BMP Marder, — D.W.

Recall that earlier the German authorities announced plans to transfer about 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. The help package includes ( and Ukrainian crew training, which will take approximately eight weeks.

- Putin, despite huge losses, is preparing a new offensive in Ukraine, — Bloomberg.

Almost a year after a full-scale invasion, which, according to the plan of the head of the Russian Federation, was supposed to last several weeks, Putin plans ( putin-plans-new-offensive-in-ukraine-as-he-girds-for-long-war?srnd=politics-vp) a new offensive that could start as early as February/March.

According to the publication, the bunker still believes that a larger force will allow the Russian Federation to win. The dictator is convinced that he cannot lose in an "existential" conflict, as he believes, with the United States and its allies.

- Hungarian Prime Minister Orban said that the country will block the imposition of sanctions against Rosatom.

As it turned out, this company is to build two nuclear power units in Hungary. In August 2022, Hungary, despite the appeals of Ukraine, issued a license to Rosatom for the construction of the Paks-2 nuclear power plant.

- A Mi-8 helicopter crashed at the Katsap airport Vnukovo, — Russian media.

Preliminarily, he touched the ground with the blades during landing. Rescuers were on the scene. Rusnya also reports that there are no casualties.

- Russians are already afraid of simple black bags

Even if someone is there — they don't bite, already…

- #losses of invaders as of 01/27/2022

🔻+850 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

▪️Major – Vadim Shalobalo

▪️Captain – Alexander Vladimirov

▪️Lieutenant –Sergey Averyanov

- In the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, it was forbidden to communicate in Russian, — member of the Supervisory Board «Mogilyanka» and former Deputy Prime Minister Zubko.

"This applies to absolutely everyone: teachers, students, administrative staff", — said Gennady Zubko.

- On February 24, 2022, Ukrainians called each other on Viber a record 53 million times and sent 547 million messages. This is more than any other day of the year.

This is stated in the results of the use of Viber for 2022.

- Brazil refused to supply Germany with ammunition for Leopard tanks, which Berlin planned to transfer to Ukraine, — Folha de S. Paulo.

President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva argued ( -ucrania.shtml) is because they don't want to provoke katsaps. Brazil, despite condemning the 24 February 2022 invasion at the UN, maintains a position of neutrality for economic reasons.

- The only way to avoid World War III is — stop Russian aggression, — head of the Italian Ministry of Defense.

"The third world war can start if Russian tanks arrive in Kyiv and on the borders of Europe. Not allowing them to come is the only way to stop it," noted ( 01/incontro-roma-crosetto-lecornu-ucraina-mediterraneo-965688c3-4ae5-4399-b2b9-1cf021474977.html) Crosetto.

He also said that a new decree on assistance to Ukraine may appear next week.

- Our air defense — power.

An infographic has appeared (, which shows that the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense is more than 80 %.

- "Normal European state" is the use of mops, bottles and sledgehammers for other purposes?

- ironic

- Someone knocked out plans for the supply of Western tanks to Ukraine. So far, it turns out 321 tanks.

- I asked AI to show the future of Russia.

- Jobs bait to lure to war. Unfortunately, there are still people who fall for the promises of cosmic salaries without thinking about the danger.

- Sounds like the beginning of a joke

- Psychologists in Russia 2023

- The successor is growing. Boy Dima 12 years old

- Memes

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