russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 4

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
5 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Photo: Ukrainian soldiers fire from a T80 tank that was captured from the Russians during a battle in Trostenets in March. Bakhmut, Ukraine. November 4, 2022. Photo: Clodach Kilcoyne / Reuters / Forum

- Candy with vodka and Putin

Ingredients - truffle, chili pepper, ginger and vodka.

The confectioner claims that these ingredients characterize Putin's character - "unpredictability and wit, self-control and charisma",

It was necessary to add grain to the composition and wreckage of the Black Sea Fleet. Well, what kind of state, such candies…

- «We are cold! The kids are cold! HELP!"

Such signs began to appear with the beginning of the heating season in Mariupol

All you need to know about the arrival of the Russian world in Ukraine

- Vladimir Putin said that during the "partial mobilization" 318 thousand people were mobilized in Russia, 49 thousand of which are already "performing combat missions";

And 74.000 have already been completed

- The invaders hanged a woman near the courthouse because of her words that Skadovsk is Ukraine — Financial Times

On October 7, a local resident of Skadovsk (Kherson region), nurse, volunteer and sportswoman Tatyana Mudrenko was kidnapped from her home with her husband. A week later, unknown people sent her sister a photograph of her sister's body in the morgue. According to Natalya, Tatiana's sister, the 56-year-old woman was strangled and hanged in front of the court building, while her husband was beaten. Where is he now — unknown.

"The most recent incident before her death occurred in early October, when Mudrenko scolded the Ukrainian police for collaborating with Russian forces and shouted, 'Skadovsk — this is Ukraine! — says Natalia.

- pick up the noodles from the ears

- A riddle from Jacque Fresco: where did the 33 thousand called go?

- Krinzh of the day: the Russian Federation will cooperate with North Korea in the field of fashion and very soon the DPRK will begin to import clothes and shoes

- Bomb shelters are being prepared in Lipetsk

But apparently, in case of a flood, they will not help...

- #losses of invaders as of 11/04/2022

+840 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Captain – Dmitry Kryukov

Lieutenant Colonel – Ivan Kardashov

Lieutenant – Vyacheslav Kyzin

Lieutenant – Salikhov Bakhtiyar

Lieutenant – Vladimir Styuzhnev

Major – Kirill Litvinov

Lieutenant – Kutyavin Mikhail

Senior Lieutenant – Alexey Pavlovsky

Senior Lieutenant – Vladimir Sheremetov

- Denazified occupier with a letter from his family

That's why you couldn't sit at home with your family?

- EU may transfer part of Russia's frozen assets to Keyeve to rebuild the country, reports ( =premium-europe&leadSource=uverify%20wall) Bloomberg. We are talking about the assets of the Russian Central Bank for 300 billion euros.

- During the morning alarm in the Lviv region, an Iranian moped was shot down, the head of the IVA reports.

Scattered, creatures.

- And by the way: there are 450,000 apartments in Kyiv without electricity, Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko reports. This is one and a half times more than in previous days. Reason – the power system is overloaded.

Let's save some money, please.

- Celebrated a birthday and died. Briefly about the adventures of Chmobik in Ukraine.

- The President of Ukraine will appear in a special episode of the show on Netflix. Host of the show "My next guest needs no introduction" David Letterman came to Kyiv to interview Volodymyr Zelensky. The episode will air before the end of the year.

Wow: it turns out that the special episode of the Netflix show with Vladimir Zelensky was recorded in the Kiev metro!

We are really looking forward to the premiere.

- In the Russian Federation they are trying to save the situation: acting. Major General Alexander Linkov became commander of the troops of the Central Military District. Before him, this position was held by Colonel-General Lapin. In rashka they hope that the new commander will change something.

Well, well.

- Guess from the photo whose paws it is: the orcs have surrounded a local restaurant in Kherson. According to the employees of the institution, Rusnya took out stoves, hoods, ventilation, furniture, curtains, as well as three toilet bowls.

Because there is no way without toilet bowls.

- Idiots from the armed forces of the Russian Federation use the Kursk nuclear power plant to store missile weapons, according to the GUR. In recent weeks, the underground hangars of the enterprise "Kurskatomenergoremont" near the village of Ivanino, Rusnya brought missiles to the S-300 complexes. Also at the end of October, the arrival of several civilian trucks on Iranian license plates with an unknown cargo was noticed.

- Well, in short, you understand, right?

- Another morons on the world map: Iran turned to Russia for support for its nuclear program, reports ( .html) CNN.

- And here's what Yermak hinted at: a new aid package from the US for $400 million.

There will be more good Russian!

- The State Emergency Service in Kyiv is wonderful! We will definitely call you!

- Rusnya is in full swing at the training grounds of Belarus: in addition to MiG-31K aircraft and containers where Kinzhal missiles can be stored, judging by satellite images, they turned around ( ) Russian military camps. A large number of military tents and equipment can be seen near Baranovichi, Osipovichi and Vitebsk.

- And where does Agent Girkins fight? And nowhere. The clinical loser Strelkov is not at all at the front in Ukraine, as he boasted earlier, but is recruiting meat in the Russian Federation. This was stated by journalist Hristo Grozev.

So the reward of $100 thousand for the head of the whining deceiver may well get some brave chmobik.

- 1,300 Starlink satellites in Ukraine have been disabled due to an outage amid funding problems -internet-outage/index.html) CNN. SpaceX charged the Ukrainian military $2,500 a month to get each of the 1,300 units connected, raising the total cost to nearly $20 million by September. In the end, the military could no longer pay.

- This Polish crab, however, is quite a cattle

- It will wait a long time, and most likely will not wait.

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