A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 69

25 September 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

8th MTR Regiment hit 2 Sushki

The moment of the downing of the Horde Su-25 and Su-30 this afternoon. The first crashed, but the second, with its engine on fire, was able to maneuver.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are dressing up to meet the second army of the world

Banderomobile says hello

Will not take a shovel anymore

They were transporting tanks, but they didn’t deliver, the scum are smoking again

A train full of T-62 tanks pulled up to the railway station in Yasinovataya near Donetsk, and moments later the station exploded. Smoking is harmful, it has been proven many times.

Merry starts for the occupiers

The toastmaster is good and the competitions are interesting...

East direction first person

Georgian Legion in action, close combat with Russian soldiers in an area recently liberated during the offensive

Two Shahid-136 drones tried to attack the Dnepropetrovsk region. Both were destroyed by air defense forces

Fried wild boar from the south of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Igla against the Russian Ka-52 helicopter

Iranian drones shot down in Odessa

Beautiful hit of two GMLRS missiles from HIMARSA

The Grad launcher and ammunition supply were destroyed.

Fashionable outfit in 2022

AFU sniper work at night, distance 750m

Unpacking the contents of a Russian military vehicle

The thugs stole sneakers, a slow cooker, a microwave oven and much more.

Iranian-made Mohajer-6 multi-role unmanned attack aircraft shot down

For the first time in Ukraine, anti-aircraft gunners of the Southern Aviation Command shot down an Iranian-made multi-purpose unmanned attack aircraft, Mohajer-6, designed for reconnaissance, surveillance and fire strikes.

You won’t be able to sleep peacefully on Ukrainian lands

Our boys have a problem

Now the orcs will have to be packed in festive white bags.

Ukrainian armored personnel carrier dodged an ATGM

A Ukrainian sniper fires at a Russian serviceman from a stated distance of 1250 meters

Ukrainian sniper fights with Russian soldier, eastern Ukraine

Destruction of the Russian ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun based on the Zil-131 vehicle

We don’t abandon our own, we go straight for reinforcements. The driver began to run away for possible help, but caused even more trouble for the occupiers, as the fire spread to the enemy warehouse. Divine decision :)

Tour of the occupiers' base, destroyed with the help of M142 HIMARS

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