What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 155

7 May 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

Question: "Some kind of wooden "gates" in the fence, located next to the forest"

Answer: "This is a badger gate."

If you put a fence on a badger's path, then at best he will arrange a dig, at worst — take down the fence. To prevent this from happening in places with such a problem, similar badger gates are installed that allow badgers to pass where they need to without damage to property.

Question: "What is this spiked wooden wheel in the attic of a house in Amsterdam?"

Answer: "This is a wheel that used to be part of a winch used to lift loads into the attic."

The only thing left unclear is why the spikes are needed there.

Question: "Large metal insert at the top of the bike frame, apparently foldable, has a handle"

Answer: "It's a child seat anchor"

Question: "In the house we are renting, in the basement, there are such ropes with some kind of plastic hooks / clips"

Answer: "It's a baseball cap rack"

The top of the baseball cap is folded in half on itself (clasp to the visor) and placed in the clip.

Question: "Municipal cars that run gas through the streets"

Answer: "It's a mosquito treatment."

This is reportedly done to prevent diseases transmitted by flying blood-sucking insects. The author of the photo said that this photo was taken in Libya, and pickup trucks with generators running, standing in the trunks and emitting smoke, usually drive in the middle of the night.

Question: “What is this soft satin thing with ribbon ties and a hole in the middle? It looks like handmade, probably a case for a cosmetic product.

Answer: "It's an overlay on top of a wooden hanger to keep light items like overalls or underwear from slipping off."

Question: "Found in a jewelry box. A metal object about 6.5 cm long that disassembles and contains three pointed plastic pieces inside.

Answer: "It's a reusable toothpick."

It also contains additional/replacement elastic tips for the holder.

Question: “Two plastic tools in the form of a hook with a double fork at the end. What are they and what are they used for?

Answer: "This is a tool for removing ticks"

A fork-shaped hook is slipped under the insect, after which it is removed by a rotational movement.

Question: "A large wooden thing that looks like a clothespin. Weight about 1.8 kg, height 85 cm. Dark wood, which is a little worn, and I assume that it is more than 40 years old.

Answer: "This is a laundry device called a wasstamper, which was once used by the Dutch"quo;

This wooden thing was lowered into a container with hot soapy water and dirty laundry, after which it had to be rotated in the manner of modern washing machines. To make it more convenient to rotate, there is a hole in the upper part where it was necessary to insert the rod, which, after installation, turned into comfortable handles for two hands.

Question: “A thick metal wire holding two red glass balls together. If you push the structure, then the balls can be removed. Slightly less than 8 cm long. It looks like a pair of tongs holding red balls.

Answer: "This is an old sharpener (rule) for blades"

A blade (for example, a knife) is held between glass balls, which temporarily restores its sharpness.

Question: "When folded, this tool fits into a leather case, about 5 cm long. It unfolds, has two telescopic rods, the length of which is about 43 cm."


Answer: "This is a folding clothes hanger"

Since this hanger does not have a hook on top, it can be assumed that it was supposed to be hung on a wall hook.

Question: "A plastic rod screwed into the top door jamb. I moved into a new house and the previous owner has them on several doorways. The door does not touch the hinge. No wires, no sensors, and they're only in the basement. Neither I nor the real estate agent know what it is.

Answer: “This is a Glidelok child safety door lock. The other part of the lock moves along the top of the door.

After closing the door, you just need to move the upper part of the lock close to the rod, which will block the door. Advantages of this lock: 1) there is no need to mount a lock on a door where it does not exist; 2) such a lock will never jam.

Question: "What is this ancient bronze pot with two spouts, similar to a hanging washbasin, but the neck of which is too low to carry water without spilling?"

Answer: "This is an oil lamp for one or two wicks, depending on how much light you need."

Question: "4 heavy hollow metal cylinders about 2.5 cm long without a description on the box"

Answer: "It's for extinguishing cigarettes"

This device should save you from sticking cigarette butts into ashes and getting your fingers dirty. Instead, it is enough to simply put a cigarette butt in a cylinder that is placed in an ashtray. Within a couple of seconds, oxygen will be used up and smoldering will stop by itself.

Question: “A small hollow glass object with a strange hole. What is it?

Answer: "This is a glass vase / flower stand"

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