What Hollywood stars looked like in their 20s (45 photos)

22 March 2025

Time is relentless. If you compare old and new photos, you can see how we and everything around us change. I suggest you go back a few decades and look at famous representatives of the film industry at the beginning of their careers.

1. Meryl Streep, 75

Meryl in her early 20s years

2. Martin Scorsese, 82

At the age of twenty years

3. Goldie Hawn is now 79 years old

And this is her in her youth

4. Mandy Patinkin at 72 years

At the age of twenty

5. Helen Mirren, 79

Helen in youth

6. 79-year-old Diane Keaton

And in her early 20s

7. Cher at 78 years

And at 20

8. 74-year-old Martin Short

He is also in 70s

9. Steve Martin is 79

Martin in his youth

10. Judy at 90 Dench

Young Judy

11. Jeff Goldblum at 72

In 20+

12. Christopher Walken, 81

In his youth

13. Rita Moreno, 93 years

Rita in her early 20s

14. 99-year-old Dick Van Dyke

In youth

15. Julie Andrews, 89

In her early 20s

16. Lily Tomlin, 85 years

At the beginning of her career

17. Jane Fonda, 87

And in youth

18. 87-year-old George Takei

In his early 20s

19. Morgan Freeman, 87 years

At 20+

20. Robert De Niro, 81

IN youth

21. 78-year-old Sally Field

And at the age of twenty

22. 85-year-old Ian McKellen

And in my early 20s

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