Unusual inventions of the past that you didn’t know about (12 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
22 March 2025

Today I want to share with you images of unusual inventions of human thought. These are things that may surprise you or simply arouse interest.

The grandfather of your "AppleWatch": the "SEIKO" TV watch from 1982.

Since the end of the 19th century, Men started wearing socks that went just above their ankles. The problem was that socks were made without elastic bands. The photo below shows the solution to this problem. Quote from an advertising brochure: "Since 1879, well-dressed men have enjoyed the Boston Garter."

Stamp Slime. Filled with glue and was popular in England in the 19th century

A flexible newspaper holder.

Motorola wrist computer. Production was established from 2006 to 2013.

Sanitizers of the 17th century. Plague stone of 1666. The stone was put out on the street, filled with vinegar and used for washing hands or money.

The world's first portable player Mikiphone or the smallest gramophone, 1924.

Without further ado, just "a stick with a drink". That's what I call "inventive creativity".

Matchbox that closes automatically

Track destroyer "Hook" or Schienenwolf. Designed to destroy railways.

Batteries that can be charged via USB port

A copper bed warmer. In Europe, especially Northern Europe, it was not customary to go to bed in a cold bed.

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